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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Monday, September 26, 2011

NEW Adventure!

          Well, I got a NEW JOB!! Gah. I never thought it would happen but it sort of fell into my lap! Funny how God makes EVERYTHING come together when you are in HIS will. Only a week after I started school I just went into Lane Bryant with my sister-in-law Tamara that it randomly came up that the girl working was about to be moving so they would be hiring. I turned in my application, checked back a week later and was hired the next week then just finished my first day TODAY!! It's been crazy!
          Like I said, God has a funny way of showing us he has it COMPLETELY under control. I feel like sometimes too even though it's totally not in the character of God to be like I told you so, but in his loving he was he totally does just say, 'Now isn't this better than anything you could have come up with?' He's funny like that!
          So now, not that my life wasn't already crazy enough, I will be going to school full time[40 hours/week] plus homework, a part time job and commuting. Yep. Nice and busy. Just the way I like it!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Week 1 New England Keswick:You can call me Mama Cheryl.

This week I got the pleasure to have the littlest ones of camp! I call them my tender nuggets. Our cabin has been named the Princess Ninjas from down under! My girls are from the ages of 7-9 grades ranging from 2nd to 4th. It has been a very trying couple of days but I love it a lot.
This week I am sort of a mom. Basically you can call me Mama Cheryl. I have comforted when hurt, heald hair when throwing up, prayed away the bugs, and rubbed backs to help them fall asleep and to help get over the home sickness. Last night I got about 4 hours of sleep but broken up through out the night. It's been a little rough. But what's great is that I have totally seen God work in that. He has given me the strength to keep going and helping me push on!
I know this is now a huge update but I don't have much time as you can assume! Thanks for all your prayers! My tender nuggets and I appreciate it!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New England Keswick

Well everyone I have arrived!! I'm living in Monterey, Massachusetts at Camp New England Keswick! It has been quite an adventure thus far traveling across the country and adapting to life on the east side of the states! Everyone else has arrived from there various parts of the state!
Our first couple days have consisted of prepping the camp, working on skits/openers, learning through the schedule and just getting adjusted to our home for the next couple of weeks!! New England is like nothing I have ever lived in. It's green EVERYWHERE and the number of BUGS outnumber the number of HUMANS by a LOT! Let's just say I may be getting eaten ALIVE! The best way to describe Camp Keswick is to say it is the camp from the Parent Trap starring Lindsey Lohan. If you haven't seen it or have no idea what I'm talking about...go RENT it! Trust me.
My ability to have time to post will most definitely not be often but I will try to do one at the end of every week when the campers are gone. I'm not sure how this will end up but I can only hope I will have the time!
Thanks for all your prayers and kind thoughts!! I love you all MUCHO!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Today is the 4th of July. The day as Americans we celebrate our freedoms and enjoy friends, family and food! It's a day where you see a lot of red, white and blue. It's just another day that I am grateful to be an American!

Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I directed this video when I was on an adventure with my roommate Michelle and her boyfriend, Kelly AKA Kelly Dlux. I don't think I need to give you much except for the explanation of what Stroll-N-Savor is.

Stroll-N-Savor is put on in Belmont Shore on 2nd street. Basically what you do is you pay $10 and get 12 tickets. Most of the food places on 2nd street have smaller portions for a certain amount of tickets. For example BJ's had a slice of pizza for 2 tickets and then another pizza/pasta place had a scoop of pasta for 1 ticket. Let's be real I used 11 of my 12 tickets and I was stuffed at the end. The nice thing though is that you do have to walk all up and down 2nd street so you sort of feel like you are getting a small workout.

It was a great evening with some great friends! Here is the video to show it!

This is another production from My life through the FLIP!


This is my first EVER self video with my new FLIP! Thanks to John, Tamara, Shatrine, Glenn and Audrey for my birthday gift! It's the BEST!

Now I am able to record and share what I'm doing with my life! I know, YOU ARE WELCOME!
There are so many people who I love and who I want to share my life with even if we don't live close. This was I can!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day.

Some of you know him as Andy, Mr.Krake, The dodger fan, The guy who sits on the left at church and if you are my niece, Audrey his name is Opa. But I know him by, Daddy. Today is father's day. The Day we especially honor our Dad's or Daddy's. For those of you who don't know, I know a pretty legit father. He is one of the coolest cats EVER. My Daddy is the BEST Daddy in the world. Oh and I'm prepared to tell you why.

I call my father daddy but I know him by other qualities. He is an

honest, caring, loving, generous, compassionate, advice giver,

knowledgeable, observant, thoughtful, amazing guy!

Now I would continue but then this would be way to long a post.

My Daddy has al l of these quality's and more. He is the first person I call when something is wrong, when everything is right, when I need more money, and even when I just need some advice. He is a man who I have looked up to in all of my 20 going on 21 years! He is a man who even in the midst of trials looked to God

and showed me how to follow Christ by his actions. We all know it's one

thing to say you are a Christian and it is a whole other thing to act it out in your life. My father, Joseph Andrew Krake is one who follows the Lord.

Now my Dad and I have been though a lot together and no doubt we will

go through so much more but I have some things I'd like to share with you about my dad. For those of you who don't know my Dad got pipes. And let me tell you they are pretty good as well as long when need be. The thing I used to hate would be when my Dad would sing in the house. I'm sure he would come back at me with, "It wasn't that loud" but trust me Dad you were loud. I have the same problem. But as much as I used to complain or give him my looks I still loved hearing him sing through the house! When I was living back home I didn't have a car and my dad would give me rides to school he didn't have to cause we only lived like 10 minutes away from the school but he know I hated being all gross when I got to school so he always made sure I got a ride to school. Even through I moved away my Dad was always there to answer my questions

help me when out when I messed things up. When I went into the

hospital my Dad was the first one I called and he knew I needed him. He made sure he got to me as soon as he could. He was the first familiar face I saw when I got out of surgery. My Dad is always their for me in the good times and in the bad. No matter how many times I mess up I know I can always come to him and he will be there.

I'm so thankful for my Daddy! He is one of a kind and I'm glad that he is mine!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Voice:LIVE

On Tuesday June 14, I got the opportunity to go be on the The Voice LIVE. Now don't get too excited. I was just in the audience, I wasn't on stage or anything. It was defs something to check off my bucket list.

Here's the video:

Try to find ME!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


It's that time of the year again people. Time to graduate. Of course I'm not graduating and I'm not really near graduating either. But some pretty cool peeps in my life are graduating. Working with students means I always get to celebrate this time of year and I LOVE it!
For my Junior Highers it's just one step before the start the big bad world of High School. They start the process of figuring out what they want to do with there lives and enjoy friends, family and looking forward to the next four years of there life. One of the most influential times of there life!
For the high school graduates, they are now on there own, sort of. Hopefully they get the opportunity to live on there own and further figure out what they want to do and start to see how to do that! They enjoy the new friends, late night food runs and all nighters. It's a time of really coming into there own.
Now the college graduate! Generally they have it together right? They have a degree, maybe a job by now and a place of there own. Through the many staged of life they have figured out who they are! They come into the world of adulthood with perspective, courage and youth. They are ready to take the world on!
All these different ages of graduates have things to look forward to, as well as things that scare the heck out of them. But they all get to start these adventures of there lives with unknowns and new discoveries about love, life and the world around them. These experiences help to shape who we become. Now is the time where we choose what types experiences that we want to have or if you are me then the experiences sort of choose you!
That being said, to all you graduates, or people in the midst of change keep pushing through. The greatness is at the end of each journey, when you can look back and see how much you have grown!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Some people laugh at my when I tell how I love weddings. Others tell me I gotta find a man first and I have even had people give me weird looks. I have a couple of responses for those people. One, I did go to Biola for one year, which is a Christian college in Southern California and like pretty much all of the Christian colleges there motto is "Ring by Spring." I mean come on. How do you expect me to not think about it? Another reason is if you saw my fridge right now. All over there is plastered Save the dates and invites. It's like a small mall display showing you your options of your own wedding announcements and invites. Why don't we just add in that society is telling us we should get married. Now it's not as hard pressed as it was for our parents to get married young but it's still out there. I notice it most in the movies when you see a couple in love! The wedding comes and you WANT the same happiness. We ALL have seen those wedding movies I'm sure. I'm just trying to say that no wonder we all have WEDDINGS on the mind.
I will admit that I do want to find that Mr.Right just like the next girl and I want to have my happily ever after too. But for me and all the college aged women who really aren't ready for marriage, are we really looking for Mr.Right or Mr.Right Now? That guy who we know we are not going marry but we just try to find someone who will love on us and make us feel beautiful. I know, I have been there too. I think for a lot of singles in the world, they just want to find someone to love and to love them in a romantic way, because it feels good in the moment. Now don't get me wrong, I think dating is good when someone is ready for it. But how many people in your life do you see dating or pursuing someone for the wrong reasons? My point is that when God wants you to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, He will let you know. Just trust me on that one.
I know I have said a lot about why weddings are so big in my life right now but that's not really why I love them. I love them for a number of reasons like, for there purpose, the people they bring together, the fun that's enjoyed and the new family that is celebrated. But I also love them for this other reason. The details. For those of you who don't hang out with me enough I love details. All the details of a wedding just make my heart happy. The lists that you get to make. Details are seen in EVERY part of a wedding. From choosing the dress to picking the venue to finding a good DJ. There are all types of different details that come together to make a beautiful event that touches peoples hearts.

These are the reasons that I LOVE WEDDINGS!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My 21st B-day Wish List

Ok Ya'll. I'm sure by now you know I'm almost 21. In 20 Days to be exact. I have decided to make a list for my birthday in case you feel the desire to contribute to making my birthday dreams come true! I will give reason to why each item was chosen and what I will use it for.

#1: Flip Ultra HD32120
Here's the link to the item at Walmart.

I have chosen this item because I am going to be working at a camp this summer and I would love to take some videos for you all to see! I mean don't you just want to know every about my life? HAHA.

#2: Canon Rebel
Price: Well It's about $500(The link was too long to post.)

I love to capture moments and photos is another great way to do that! They are a great way to relive memories! I work with students and it's so cool to look at pictures over the years of them and see how much they grow and change. Pictures Capture those moments.

#3: Target Cards:
Price: Anything you want.

I'm a college student. Need I say more?

OK so these are 3 pretty big things. I know they are crazy expensive and I don't expect anyone to get them for me. But for those of you who would like to give to one of these future purchases and make my 21st my best birthday thus far...I would not mind at ALL. Every little bit counts.

So the list thus far is out! I'm mainly making this list for my family but I will accept donations from all. Let's be real. I'm a college student. We take whatever we can get.

I mean. Yea. Welcome to my world!
Can you dig it?
See what a GOOD camera can do?
Help me Capture My Memories to save FOREVER!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Too cute NOT to Post!
Big Sister Bottle Cap Hair Bow and Headband


I am who I am. Take it or leave it.

So when you are a kid you want to be something like a firefighter or a nurse. Then from there you take the needed steps to get to that job. Or others figure it out in college. I'm defs NOT one of those people. If you don't already know this about me people say I'm a little scatter brained, a control freak and a people pleaser. My response to that is everything is clear in my head I just don't know how to explain it to you, my way is probs the best way and I just want everyone to me happy. Now that response is something I have been working at this last year. Not that answer but how to take people's critiques and not just give a mouthy response back but to really think about what they say and look to Christ for how HE wants me to live my life. I mean if you think about it God put people in my life for a reason so I must think about what they say and then look to Christ for the answers.
For those of you who don't know I'm turning 21 in 22 DAYS!! June 25 is my birthday!! Now I tell you this because for some people when they come to the great age of 21 the sort of know what they want to do with there life. That's not my problem. There are just SO MANY things I want to do! Through my time in life and my walk with Christ I know that what he wants from me right now is to live everyday glorifying him in EVERYTHING I do! It doesn't matter if it's working with my junior highers or going to cosmetology school or even moving out of the country! My goal is to live my life following after Christ and his example. Simple and Plan. I fully appreciate people who give there input into my life but at the end of the day I need to come before my heavenly father and for HIS approval, NOT the approval of man.

It's a weird concept and a hard lesson to learn for a people pleaser but it is a good one!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

Colossians 3:23-24

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. John Krake!

Eeekkk!! My brother got hitched! Can you believe it? It was hard for me to at first adapt to another girl in my brothers life. So when this 'other girl' came into his life as more than just a friend I had to assess the situation. I wasn't so sure how I felt about this girl taking all my brothers attention. This 'other girl' was Tamara and I have known her for about 10 years but I had only seen her as a friend of my brothers, not a girlfriend. When I first got the call that my brother was going to ask her to be his girlfriend I knew something was up. I knew this was serious. I started to critique this girl and came to the conclusion that she was PERFECT for my brother. I'm so excited that she is now 'legally' part of the family!
My brother has been more than words can describe to me. He has been a brother, protector, fellow trouble maker, fun maker, life of the party and someone whom I've always wanted to be like. Like I said I don't think words can't fully describe how much he means to me and how much I love him!
I love these two a whole lot!
Introducing Mr.&Mrs. John Krake

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living La Vida Loca

So many emotions are running through me now. They come and go and I sometimes even feel numb to them. Life has been a little crazy recently but isn't that life? Yep!

I have been making decisions like no body's business. I'm proud of my indecisive self! I have made my pro con lists and been very deep in prayer. It's great when you don't have to worry about school or work too much because it gives you a lot of time to sit, pray and be with God. When thinking about this I sort of am ashamed that it takes God taking my life, mixing it up then taking out big parts of it giving me more time to be with him. This season of my life(meaning the last 2 months) has been very good. God has shown me things that I didn't know about my self and he showed me other things I'm passionate about and he has placed people in my life to speak into those areas. What can I say I'm Blessed! God is Good!!
Now I'm preparing for some big things in my life! It's been good.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What a Day!

Yesterday was such a great day. I got to color! Yea, I know sounds dumb but it was really fun. I hung out with my friend Tess and Mallory at Biola and we colored by the coffee shop. It was a whole bunch of fun!
While we were hanging out we got to see this huge guy. His name is Maestro. He was like a small horse almost. I wanted to take him home and cuddle. He just hangs around Biola sometimes with his owner. No Big Deal.NBD.
After a great day of coloring and hanging with good friends we made the traditional trip to MOLCA SALSA! YEE. It's my fav late night treat! Me and Tess performed our rap for the group. Treats on us!
I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with us?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mommy's Day!

Today is the day that we choose to honor our mothers. Not that we don't do this every other day of the year but today we especially want to thank and honor our mothers. So today I would love to share with you a very special person in my life. My Mother. AKA by me as Mommy. Yep I still call her mommy. Judge me.
This is the women who raised me. The women who has given so much of herself to help my happiness. With out this women I would not be the person I am today. Words can not describe what she means to me.
She is a women who fears the Lord and even though I am so different than her I have always wanted to be just like her. It's funny when you are younger you don't really think that you want to be like your parents. I think it has taken me be out on "my own" to realize how much she means to me and how much I truly do want to be like her.
Today I am honoring my MOMMY! I love her bunches. As part of this entry I am going to share some of my favorite Mommy quotes. Trust me these ones are pretty funny.

"Would it be bad if we drove through that puddle and got those people wet?"-Mom
"Oh, You are no fun."-Mom
CONTEXT: This little conversation had taken place the sunday after I had my big surgery. Mom had come to stay with me during my recovery. We were leaving the parking lot of the church I work at when this conversation went down.

"Wouldn't it be ironic if you survived brain surgery and then died in a car accident with me?"
CONTEXT: Again this was the sunday after my surgery and we were turning onto the street that Chipotle was one because my mommy let me choose where we went for lunch! Anyway the light by that street doesn't have a protected arrow and so my mom just turned with out waiting. Then the infamous quote was said.
One of my favorite books my mommy would read me when I was younger was called, Mama do you love me?. The whole book was the dialogue of a daughter and her mom. The daughter would always ask Mama Do you love me even if I...(whatever she did wrong). Then she tells the girl what her emotions would be and adds "but I still love you"! I remember I loved the book because I knew my Mama was the same way. She always loved,loves and is going to love me!
My mom has a funny way of having random humor and it is one of my favorite things about her! I love her so much! So mom this is to you! I love you bunches! Thanks for being the wonderful women you are!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

This is one of my favorite holidays. I know. It's a pretty americanized holiday but I still love it! For most it's an excuse to get wasted and have a party. For me it's not like that.
My favorite part of Cinco de Mayo is the TACO'S!! YEE. taco1.jpg
They are so tasty!! Nom Nom Nom.
I also like the culture that we often see on the day. My favorite that I also see in food places is the mariachi band
These are my favorite things about Cinco De Mayo. I hope you have had the best day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

I just wanted to share a little of the royal wedding with you all if you haven't already seen it. I know pictures are everywhere on the internet but I just wanted to show you one. The one part of the wedding that I think took my breath away a little bit.

Have you guessed what it is yet?
Yep. It was the wedding dress. For those of you who don't know, I LOVE weddings! They are beautiful and I think they express so much about a couple.
We know that this wedding was one special one for sure. Just a little fun fact for you thanks to People Magazine, Do you know how much the wedding cost?
Everything including the security costs?
Maybe a guess?
$65,000,000 Approximately.
WOW. I know.
Here are more numbers if you fancy.
2,000,000,000 people watched on T.V. around the world.
5,000 police officers deployed.
1,900 invites to the wedding.
35 sniffer dogs on duty.
7 Planes in the ceremonial flyby.
5 horse drawn procession carriages.
4 of William's former girlfriends invited.
2 of Kate's former boyfriends invited.

What does that get us?
One happy couple.
The End.

Remember Dreams Do Come True!


Well this is a little over due but we all know that it wouldn't really be my blog if it wasn't right? Yea Buddy. Anyway I'm here to share with you my great trip to the beautiful city of San Diego. Actually again I am going to show you in pictures. First off I will give you some background.
The trip was for the Herd. It was the students opportunity to give up a few days of there spring break to go help others in need. Our group has been working with a man, Pete who started a church down there for years so we continued to go and help him out. The trip was three days long. Monday-Wednesday. I, unfortunately enough, could only stay for monday. But let me tell you that what I saw on Monday was more then enough to wake me up and watch my students really be followers of Christ in there service. It was truly amazing to see God work in and through them.
This was the church we worked at.
Naturally we are students. Mini vans are a MUST!
We had to take a shoe pick.
Can you tell which one is mine?
Think about it.
I tend to stand out.
Gotta Love the Red Heads. Gingers. Whatever you want to call us.
Waiting with the girls for our mini orientation. Beautiful church.
Me and LaceFace in front of the fence BEFORE we painted it.
IN the midest of painting but you get what it's going to look like.
(L to R.Angelica, Me and Katie) Me and my girls putting packs together to give out to the homeless the next night! Loved working with them!

All in all the trip went great. Students live were changed. What got me so excited was they they were able to see the community and realize that where we were in San Diego was not much different then Long Beach. It was a good chance for them to see that they can be doing the same things in there own community!

Loved to see God work in amazing ways!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Small Group Out. Neon NIghts.

Last Wednesday was S.G.O.(Small Group Out) for the Herd. It is exactly what it sounds like. Going out with your small group. For my small group out I joined my sixth grade group with the other sixth grade girls small group. The best idea EVER! I have to give mad props to my girl Amy Green for planning this one.
I would tell you what we did in detail but I thought pictures speak way LOUDER than words. So here you go. Pictures with some words.
Let the story begin. For the 6th grade small group out the plan was to go to roller skating at Fountian Valley Skating Center. To rent skates and skate for 2 hours it was going to cost $11.50. The perfect thing to for our small group out!
My Name is Cheryl Kay Krake. Can we be friends?
We all had to wait for everyone to arrive for our 80's/Neon night skating extravaganza to begin!
More Waiting...
they started to get comfortable with the camera.
Some were too cool(Cold) to hang outside.
My Signature pose. Naturally.

By this time I had noticed that people were going up to the door but not being let in. Long story short we got times and dates mixed up and there was no open skate that night until 8:30. The time the parents were going to be back to pick everyone up. Bummer I know. In the mean time we were going to go to boomers which was conveniently next door.

Fortunately enough for us we had a mom found out what was going on and she didn't want us to miss out on our skate night since we were all dressed up and such. She went up to the group who happen to be a church and asked if we could join them. She even talked to the pastor. He happened to know our Pastor, Mr. Greg Rhodes himself. The pastor the said that we could join in there church's private party. SCORE. Even better than that is that they only charged us $5 to get in and get skates. DOUBLE SCORE.
Once we got in it was on like Donkey Kong. The night which got off to a slow start was off! Of course we start off with the group shots.
Cute Picture.
Silly Picture. Naturally.
How could you resist not hanging with us. I mean COME ON.
I mean really.
This was the only photo of all the leaders. Lightening is kinda bad but whatevs. We are real cool!
This is what we call the Whip people. Actually I don't think they were actually trying to do it but it looks like it. Basically in this epic move in roller durby this is where you true to use man power to push a team member(Left in the Picture) ahead of the other players. *If you want to learn more about Roller Durby you can either ask me or watch Whip It. Viewer Discression advised.
Obviously she is the dancer of the group.
And this was me. I only made it around the rink 5 times. Definite struggle.
So naturally from all that rollering I would get a Diet Coke.
By the end of the night we were all tired and ready to go home. A very successful event!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No Electricity. Bummer.

Welp today Edison, the electricity people have decided to do some maintenance on my building from 8:30 am to 5 Pm meaning I have no electricity in the WHOLE BUILDING! Now when I first head I thought no big deal I'll just shower the night before and put my hair up. I won't even need to leave the apartment early I can just do my normal morning thing and then to to work at the church at 1:30. Perfect schedule right? WRONG. No electricity means EVERY thing in the building is down. Do you see where I'm going? I live on the 18th floor. Got it yet? Ok I'll tell you. No electricity means no ELEVATOR! Yea. Now I would say that's fine but if you have ever tried to walk down 18 floors then you know it sucks bad. Last time I did it I was weezing up a storm after and ended up taking the elevator back up to my apartment to rest.
So that leads me here to starbucks where I am spending my morning blogging, facebooking, doing homework, taking pictures of myself and naturally people watching. I mean this is what I call a very successful morning. Don't you agree?
I mean this picture obviously shows how productive I'm being!
Hi! My name is Cheryl Kay Krake. Can we be friends?
I would get stuck at the table by the bathroom. Awesome.
Ok folks, I'm going to leave you now. I need to do some actual work.
I leave you with my song of the day as I sit at Starbucks.
"Fantasy" By Mariah Carey
Check it out. Dance it out. I know you want to.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Small Scare. God is in Control.He>I & My Plans.

Yesterday was not an ordinary day in my life. That is for sure. It started out fine but then my plans started to change. Last Night I was planned to teach at the Herd(the junior high group I work with). About 5:00pm, just a couple of hours before I had to teach, the headache that I had got progressively worse. Now I'm going to talk in "doctor terms" or if your my mom, "Mommy terms." At 11 am when the head ache started my pain scale was at about a 3 when I hadn't had any pain since the surgery. Now it wasn't pain from my incision it was a very similar head ache to what I had before I went into the ER the first time and had my surgry. By 5pm my pain scale was at about a 7. Now when it comes to head aches I have learned to deal with them, but since I did have my surgery I needed to take every precaution. At 5pm I called the nurse's hotline and she told me I need to go into the ER in LA where I had the surgery.
I honestly didn't want to go. I remembered being in the hospital before and it wasn't great. I hate needles and them waking me up every hour not that I was sleeping anyway. I just didn't want to go. One of the guys on staff, Stephen was sitting by me when I found out and he told me I had to tell my Boss/Pastor/Friend, Jon. I did and he told me that I needed to go and it was going to be okay. God had a plan in this. We prayed with other staff and some of our students and then I was headed on my way out to LA. Jon wanted to send someone with me but I refused because I knew I was going to be okay. As freaked out as I seemed, I just knew God was in control. As I was talking with some of the staff before I left Jon even said well maybe God needs you in the emergency room to tell someone else about Jesus. All I can say is it is funny how God works.
I arrived at the Sunset Kaiser LA at about 7:30ish. As I was checking I just knew everything was going to be fine when the first man who checked me in had a LA Dodger lanyard on. (For those of you who do not know I am a Dodger fan. It's in my blood.) The nurse who checked me in was this cute little old women who's name was GINA! (Again for those of you who don't know that's my little car's name.) These may sound like dumb things for you but for me they were just the things I needed to just laugh. I know God put them in my path to help calm my already crazed heart. I was blessed to be seen pretty much right away. They checked me out then they put me in a wheel chair to wait. This was my view.
If you don't know this I am a very visual person so I like to take pictures. It was a great place to sit because whenever someone would turn the corner I would sort of freak them out cause they weren't expecting a person to be there. At this point my head ache was pretty bad so I'm sure my faces were pretty weird and so I'm pretty sure I freaked some people out as they turned the corner.
Once I got into my ER room the nurse had to take my blood. If you don't know this I HATE needles. I don't know why I just do. I'm a big baby about it. This time I was all alone so I had to grow up and deal. I had to take a picture to show how good I did. Look at all my blood.
As the nurse was taking my precious blood I had to laugh as I realized I was wearing a pair of my Christmas socks. What's even funnier I think about this is that I have more than one pair and I wear them all the time. They just make me happy. These ones helped with the pain and scare of the needle.
I had to stay in the ER till about 1:30 am. Not so great. It was no quiet place for sure. Sleeping was out of the question but I did have a little TV with some cable. The new show I found while I was in the ER was Extreme Couponing. Let me tell you people this show is ridiculous. Basically it is about people who clip coupons and save money. For example on one of the episodes I watched a women and her family got 4 FULL carts of food that would have cost over 1200 dollars and the only spent 52 dollars. It is ridiculous. It makes me want to clip coupons.
Once they got a CT scan they told me that they needed to keep me over night for observation. My main man Eddy transported me from the ER to the neurosurgery area where I would be staying for the night. My room was basically the same as the last one I was in except I wasn't in the ICU and I had a real bathroom with walls and everything in my room. When I got all settled my new nurse came in to start poking at me. I don't know what it is about hospitals but when ever I am in them people just seem to want to poke me. I was pretty popular cause my nurse came in EVERY hour to flash a bright light in my face. So as you can guess I did not get much sleep. Fortunately for me I had come prepared with my bible and ipod in case the TV got old which it did.
I woke up from my little nap or whatever you want to call the minimal amount of sleep I got. I decided to have my time with God. I opened my bible and started to read over James. By the way, James is such an encouraging book if you haven't read it I would suggest you do! Anyway as I was reading a man came into my room and he explained that he was the on call neurosurgeon. He started to tell me that my CT scan showed improvement since my surgery. Praise the Lord! He then told me that Dr.Chen who preformed the surgery would be in at about 8 am to check in with me.
My day nurses name was Chris. He was a very interesting fellow. After he asked me all the annoying questions I got to ask him a few. My first one that when ever I have a male nurse I ask is 'How the heck did you get into nursing?' Now I fully support male nurses I just wonder why don't you become a doctor. But anyway he did it because he was a medic in the navy and a friend told him that he could get into nursing and make good money. I mean sounds like a good plan to me right? If only I didn't hate needles. I then asked him his age because he looked really young and he had already been in the navy. He is 30. After that I figured that he would be okay to be my nurse but I had one more test. I asked him if he could score me some coffee from the nurses station. It took him a while but my man Chris came through big! Here is the view from my room and my beautiful but small cup of coffee.
Once he got me the coffee I knew he was a quality person.
After I got the coffee Dr.Chen and Arnie stopped by to check in on me. I had to apologize for standing them up before and that I didn't mean too. Dr. Chen actually laughed at me. I call that a success people. If you met this man you would understand. I don't think he laughs a lot. Through this process I'm helping to change that in him! haha. Anyway they told me that there were probably two reasons to my head ache. One being that my brain ventricles were shrinking to a normal size that fits around my brain. Me not being used to this was why I had a head ache. The second reason was because I was stressing myself out and not letting myself recover properly. This is something that is rather hard for me to do but I knew I had to do it. Dr.Chen also added that I am FREE TO FLY!! YAYA Aye Bay Bay here I come!!
Anyway, I'm doing good so no worries for now! Thanks for your prayers and sweet thoughts!