Today is the day that we choose to honor our mothers. Not that we don't do this every other day of the year but today we especially want to thank and honor our mothers. So today I would love to share with you a very special person in my life. My Mother. AKA by me as Mommy. Yep I still call her mommy. Judge me.
This is the women who raised me. The women who has given so much of herself to help my happiness. With out this women I would not be the person I am today. Words can not describe what she means to me.
She is a women who fears the Lord and even though I am so different than her I have always wanted to be just like her. It's funny when you are younger you don't really think that you want to be like your parents. I think it has taken me be out on "my own" to realize how much she means to me and how much I truly do want to be like her.
Today I am honoring my MOMMY! I love her bunches. As part of this entry I am going to share some of my favorite Mommy quotes. Trust me these ones are pretty funny.
"Would it be bad if we drove through that puddle and got those people wet?"-Mom
"Oh, You are no fun."-Mom
CONTEXT: This little conversation had taken place the sunday after I had my big surgery. Mom had come to stay with me during my recovery. We were leaving the parking lot of the church I work at when this conversation went down.
"Wouldn't it be ironic if you survived brain surgery and then died in a car accident with me?"
CONTEXT: Again this was the sunday after my surgery and we were turning onto the street that Chipotle was one because my mommy let me choose where we went for lunch! Anyway the light by that street doesn't have a protected arrow and so my mom just turned with out waiting. Then the infamous quote was said.
One of my favorite books my mommy would read me when I was younger was called, Mama do you love me?. The whole book was the dialogue of a daughter and her mom. The daughter would always ask Mama Do you love me even if I...(whatever she did wrong). Then she tells the girl what her emotions would be and adds "but I still love you"! I remember I loved the book because I knew my Mama was the same way. She always loved,loves and is going to love me!
My mom has a funny way of having random humor and it is one of my favorite things about her! I love her so much! So mom this is to you! I love you bunches! Thanks for being the wonderful women you are!

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