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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Some people laugh at my when I tell how I love weddings. Others tell me I gotta find a man first and I have even had people give me weird looks. I have a couple of responses for those people. One, I did go to Biola for one year, which is a Christian college in Southern California and like pretty much all of the Christian colleges there motto is "Ring by Spring." I mean come on. How do you expect me to not think about it? Another reason is if you saw my fridge right now. All over there is plastered Save the dates and invites. It's like a small mall display showing you your options of your own wedding announcements and invites. Why don't we just add in that society is telling us we should get married. Now it's not as hard pressed as it was for our parents to get married young but it's still out there. I notice it most in the movies when you see a couple in love! The wedding comes and you WANT the same happiness. We ALL have seen those wedding movies I'm sure. I'm just trying to say that no wonder we all have WEDDINGS on the mind.
I will admit that I do want to find that Mr.Right just like the next girl and I want to have my happily ever after too. But for me and all the college aged women who really aren't ready for marriage, are we really looking for Mr.Right or Mr.Right Now? That guy who we know we are not going marry but we just try to find someone who will love on us and make us feel beautiful. I know, I have been there too. I think for a lot of singles in the world, they just want to find someone to love and to love them in a romantic way, because it feels good in the moment. Now don't get me wrong, I think dating is good when someone is ready for it. But how many people in your life do you see dating or pursuing someone for the wrong reasons? My point is that when God wants you to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, He will let you know. Just trust me on that one.
I know I have said a lot about why weddings are so big in my life right now but that's not really why I love them. I love them for a number of reasons like, for there purpose, the people they bring together, the fun that's enjoyed and the new family that is celebrated. But I also love them for this other reason. The details. For those of you who don't hang out with me enough I love details. All the details of a wedding just make my heart happy. The lists that you get to make. Details are seen in EVERY part of a wedding. From choosing the dress to picking the venue to finding a good DJ. There are all types of different details that come together to make a beautiful event that touches peoples hearts.

These are the reasons that I LOVE WEDDINGS!

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