Yesterday was not an ordinary day in my life. That is for sure. It started out fine but then my plans started to change. Last Night I was planned to teach at the Herd(the junior high group I work with). About 5:00pm, just a couple of hours before I had to teach, the headache that I had got progressively worse. Now I'm going to talk in "doctor terms" or if your my mom, "Mommy terms." At 11 am when the head ache started my pain scale was at about a 3 when I hadn't had any pain since the surgery. Now it wasn't pain from my incision it was a very similar head ache to what I had before I went into the ER the first time and had my surgry. By 5pm my pain scale was at about a 7. Now when it comes to head aches I have learned to deal with them, but since I did have my surgery I needed to take every precaution. At 5pm I called the nurse's hotline and she told me I need to go into the ER in LA where I had the surgery.
I honestly didn't want to go. I remembered being in the hospital before and it wasn't great. I hate needles and them waking me up every hour not that I was sleeping anyway. I just didn't want to go. One of the guys on staff, Stephen was sitting by me when I found out and he told me I had to tell my Boss/Pastor/Friend, Jon. I did and he told me that I needed to go and it was going to be okay. God had a plan in this. We prayed with other staff and some of our students and then I was headed on my way out to LA. Jon wanted to send someone with me but I refused because I knew I was going to be okay. As freaked out as I seemed, I just knew God was in control. As I was talking with some of the staff before I left Jon even said well maybe God needs you in the emergency room to tell someone else about Jesus. All I can say is it is funny how God works.
I arrived at the Sunset Kaiser LA at about 7:30ish. As I was checking I just knew everything was going to be fine when the first man who checked me in had a LA Dodger lanyard on. (For those of you who do not know I am a Dodger fan. It's in my blood.) The nurse who checked me in was this cute little old women who's name was GINA! (Again for those of you who don't know that's my little car's name.) These may sound like dumb things for you but for me they were just the things I needed to just laugh. I know God put them in my path to help calm my already crazed heart. I was blessed to be seen pretty much right away. They checked me out then they put me in a wheel chair to wait. This was my view.

If you don't know this I am a very visual person so I like to take pictures. It was a great place to sit because whenever someone would turn the corner I would sort of freak them out cause they weren't expecting a person to be there. At this point my head ache was pretty bad so I'm sure my faces were pretty weird and so I'm pretty sure I freaked some people out as they turned the corner.
Once I got into my ER room the nurse had to take my blood. If you don't know this I HATE needles. I don't know why I just do. I'm a big baby about it. This time I was all alone so I had to grow up and deal. I had to take a picture to show how good I did. Look at all my blood.

As the nurse was taking my precious blood I had to laugh as I realized I was wearing a pair of my Christmas socks. What's even funnier I think about this is that I have more than one pair and I wear them all the time. They just make me happy. These ones helped with the pain and scare of the needle.

I had to stay in the ER till about 1:30 am. Not so great. It was no quiet place for sure. Sleeping was out of the question but I did have a little TV with some cable. The new show I found while I was in the ER was Extreme Couponing. Let me tell you people this show is ridiculous. Basically it is about people who clip coupons and save money. For example on one of the episodes I watched a women and her family got 4 FULL carts of food that would have cost over 1200 dollars and the only spent 52 dollars. It is ridiculous. It makes me want to clip coupons.

Once they got a CT scan they told me that they needed to keep me over night for observation. My main man Eddy transported me from the ER to the neurosurgery area where I would be staying for the night. My room was basically the same as the last one I was in except I wasn't in the ICU and I had a real bathroom with walls and everything in my room. When I got all settled my new nurse came in to start poking at me. I don't know what it is about hospitals but when ever I am in them people just seem to want to poke me. I was pretty popular cause my nurse came in EVERY hour to flash a bright light in my face. So as you can guess I did not get much sleep. Fortunately for me I had come prepared with my bible and ipod in case the TV got old which it did.
I woke up from my little nap or whatever you want to call the minimal amount of sleep I got. I decided to have my time with God. I opened my bible and started to read over James. By the way, James is such an encouraging book if you haven't read it I would suggest you do! Anyway as I was reading a man came into my room and he explained that he was the on call neurosurgeon. He started to tell me that my CT scan showed improvement since my surgery. Praise the Lord! He then told me that Dr.Chen who preformed the surgery would be in at about 8 am to check in with me.
My day nurses name was Chris. He was a very interesting fellow. After he asked me all the annoying questions I got to ask him a few. My first one that when ever I have a male nurse I ask is 'How the heck did you get into nursing?' Now I fully support male nurses I just wonder why don't you become a doctor. But anyway he did it because he was a medic in the navy and a friend told him that he could get into nursing and make good money. I mean sounds like a good plan to me right? If only I didn't hate needles. I then asked him his age because he looked really young and he had already been in the navy. He is 30. After that I figured that he would be okay to be my nurse but I had one more test. I asked him if he could score me some coffee from the nurses station. It took him a while but my man Chris came through big! Here is the view from my room and my beautiful but small cup of coffee.

Once he got me the coffee I knew he was a quality person.
After I got the coffee Dr.Chen and Arnie stopped by to check in on me. I had to apologize for standing them up before and that I didn't mean too. Dr. Chen actually laughed at me. I call that a success people. If you met this man you would understand. I don't think he laughs a lot. Through this process I'm helping to change that in him! haha. Anyway they told me that there were probably two reasons to my head ache. One being that my brain ventricles were shrinking to a normal size that fits around my brain. Me not being used to this was why I had a head ache. The second reason was because I was stressing myself out and not letting myself recover properly. This is something that is rather hard for me to do but I knew I had to do it. Dr.Chen also added that I am FREE TO FLY!! YAYA Aye Bay Bay here I come!!
Anyway, I'm doing good so no worries for now! Thanks for your prayers and sweet thoughts!
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