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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Update. Pictures. Yippee.

Here are some of the pictures of my adventure know as brain surgery and recovery. Enjoy.
The SCAR. Kind of gross I know but some of you have been asking. This picture was taken Saturday morning. My surgery was on wednesday.
Sunset Kaiser L.A. was where it all happened. Here is the parking pass my parents got. Plus my wrist band telling everyone who I was just in case I forgot. It's like when I was a baby.
I got cards from all sorts of people. Some being from the students and staff at Bethany(The church I'm an intern at.) I also got flowers! I could feel the love!
This was one of the things on my bucket list. To NEED to drive and cart and to ACTUAlLY use one. Not as glorious as I had thought but I got to cross it off my list!

Mommy got to hang out with me for a couple of days! We went to lunch at Red Robin. So good.
Mommy and I before shopping day #2.

I also wanted to add in this post my thank yous! I have been so bless with tons of great people around me sending love and their prayers. It's great to know that I have so many people all around praying for me. I'm blessed!

Thanks everyone for loving me! God has blessed me with you all!

1 comment:

  1. You are pure JOY and a light for Jesus, Little Krake. Keep giving God all the glory with your life. I loooooove you!

    Dee Dee

    PS - You and your Rockstar buddy on tour... me and my best girlfriend since age 19... we are STILL on tour 21 years later. Superstars!
