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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Story.

This last week I have been feeling convicted about sharing Christ with others. I'm not talking about just anyone. I'm not talking about that old man I see every morning or one of my doctors. I don't have a problem letting them know the only reason I'm alive now it because of Christ. I'm talking about sharing and introducing people to Jesus. And by "people" I mean my students. My beautiful wonderful Junior Highers. Not only them but all the other students I come in to contact with at Bethany Church.(the Church I work at)
Having grown up in the church, I find myself sometimes numb to the bible. I just think of it as another book. When really it is so much more than that! It is God's love letter he wrote to me for life! To show me how to live, to give me hope, to tell me His story. That's the part I think is the coolest. The bible is a story! For me I know that I don't always look at it as that. I just think of it as this long book that I have to read because people tell me to. I don't look at it as the precious letter that it is.
This past sunday night I attended a service at Rock Harbor church and Darrin McWatters was preaching. They are in the middle of a series called Witnesses-Encounters with Jesus. Leading up to easter they are looking into different people's encounter with Jesus. This past week Darrin spoke on Pilates encounter with Jesus. I tell you this because God used Darrin this past week to show me and remind me how the bible is HIS love letter, his story for me to come to know him! Darrin did such a good job of high lighting the interaction between Pilate and Jesus. He got me involved in thinking about the whole interaction and about who you say Christ is? Do we deny who he is or do we own up and take up our cross and follow him? I tell you this to share with you how by me seeing the whole story I better understood and walked away with something because I got the story. I don't tell you all this to encourage you to go to Rock Harbor or anything but just to show you how Darrin shared the story with me passionately and showed how important it was.
Now why the heck did I bring up my students? Well that is just it. I was reminded that I'm not just telling my small group, my students just anything. I'm sharing with them God's love letter to them. I think for me I don't share it as the great story it is. I don't think that I really ask God to use me to share his story. I just go about reading the things I'm given and guide the conversation. Not always letting God just use me to share his story. It doesn't just take telling them this story but also living it out, showing them. This is something that I want to do. I want to share Christ's love though his story and through my life. I want all my actions and reactions to lead others to Christ!
"Your life is testifying now who you say Christ is."
-Darrin McWatters

I would encourage you to watch this and think about Who Do you say Christ is? You are testifying who you think Christ is!

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