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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tis the Season. Be Responsible.

I started my 2011 spring semester. I would say that I'm a second semester sophomore but honestly I'm not sure. I know I should no but in all reality with changes schools and such I'm still not sure. Any way I have started my 2011 spring semester and it feels good.
Excited to be in school.
Excited to be busy.
Excited to meet new people.
Excited to take my education for my own.
Excited to be responsible for it!

In my math class today my teacher wrote on the board
I'm happy when....
And I'm responsible for it.

I'm unhappy when....
And I'm responsible for it.

At first I looked at the kid next to me and we both were kind of confused. She told us to discuss it and we did but it didn't take long to see what was going to happen. After just a minute she pointed at a kid in the front and had him stand up and say it. Then she had the rest of us do the same switching off between happy and unhappy. It was funny, a little embarrassing but interesting too.

At the end of it she went on to tell us that we aren't always responsible for if we are happy or unhappy. Sometimes our circumstances put us in a place that we don't choose. She then goes on to say it's what we do with those emotions that counts.
We take responsibility.
We take ownership.
This is our lives.
Who do you want to be?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Community Service....For My Speeding Ticket.

Today I finish 6 hours toward my 66 hours of community service for my....speeding ticket. Yes people I got a speeding ticket and yes you can get community service instead of paying for the ticket. And No I did not rob a bank or shoot someone. For some people you mine as well just pay it but for me that wasn't really an option so that I why I am serving my community. Woot Woot!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Will You Follow?

It's funny to me that I can say God I'll go where you want me to go, but do I really mean it? Will I go where ever God wants? Will I do it willingly? Or is it kicking and screaming as I go?
Last night on my way home I heard this song by Chris Tomlin, "I will Follow." So many things in this song describe where I'm at right now in my life. I work and pray that I can honestly say at the end of the day, I will Follow you Father!
Check It Out:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gotta Love the Krakes!

This may look like an ordinary old cookie box. But let me tell you my friend. This box is nothing near ordinary. In THIS box were some EXTRAORDINARY presents. Granted they were things that already belonged to me that I left back in the bay but I guess it's just so much better when you receive them back in the mail. I also got some cookies to go along with it! Over all I scored! This may look ordinary to you but this box says so much more to me! It shows just how us Krakes take care of business while doing it the least costly way.

Gotta Love the Krakes!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What a Day!

I know, I know it's been a long while since I have posted anything and for that I am truly sorry. I'm getting back into the swing of have a planned out day. It is for sure a process and if you know anything about me it tends to always be a slow and painful process.
Back to the point...What a Day! Today I had a lot to accomplish and looking back I think I did pretty well. In September of 2010 I unfortunately was speeding down Biola Avenue to meet a friend and got the unfortunate encounter for a Downey Police officer after excelling Gina(my car) a little too fast. Two things on this. First one being I was on Biola avenue, the part where NO ONE is ever at and I knew this and that was why I didn't think anything of it. Also what the heck is the Downey Police doing in La Mirada. I sort of wanted to let the La Mirada police know that Downy was gettin' all up in there territory but why would I ever want to take anymore time on this situation. Bringing this all back to my point about today was that today I, Cheryl Kay Krake, had my first court date/session thingy. I spent most of my morning and afternoon dealing with this matter. After waiting an hour and a half I got into the court room. When the judge appeared I was surprised that she look like someone out of a magazine or on Top Model. For a moment I thought something was going to happen like on the GIECO commercials. Unfortunately she was a real judge but I guess I should say fortunately she was the real judge cause she was really nice. She let me have community service and I didn't have to pay much. I was really glad when we were done. I hate it when I have to pay random tickets or service charges because I don't see where that money is going. I don't see the end product. With community service I'm going to help someone or something do become something better than before. I know what I am going to be doing is helping and I can actually see where. After it was all said and done I now have 66 hours of community service and a small fine. Not too bad I should say!
After I paid my time at the Downey Municipal Courthouse I made my way to Shelby's to get my new radio(My Christmas present from Papa and Mama Krake) for Gina. I had become very good at waiting and I wanted to just get my radio put in so that meant that I had to wait. I ended up waiting for 2 hours. Now looking at my day that is about 6 and a half hours of waiting. Fortunately in my case I love to people watch and that is exactly what I did. Who wants to read a book when you can create your own adventure in the people right in front of you! It was sure fun.
At the end of the day i got to pick up my girl, Julia and drive her back to Biola and hang out with some of the girls there. It's always fun going back to a place that in just such a short period of time gave me so many memories. I love to look back at my life as well as be even more excited about my future.

So in the end I can now say, What a day!
I hope you have been blessed today!