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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today I rode my bike into downtown Long Beach to return something at Walmart. I walked up to the young women working the return desk and asked her how she was doing and without a second she responded, "I'm blessed, How are you doing?" I was a little taken back. Usually the people I know that respond with "I'm blessed" are the older church ladies. But this women was probably about 20. I told her I was good and we finished the transaction and I walked away. As I left I thought about how she responded. She was blessed. What got me thinking was I know I'm blessed but I never think to tell someone else that.
I think about my life right now. I have a had a crazy couple of weeks. In the midst of that I don't know if I could have said that, that I was blessed. It's funny because I am so blessed. I live in an amazing city with amazing people who I can be real with. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I also just got a job! Praise the Lord! I am very blessed! It's funny to me that it took the women at Walmart to show me that.
My prayer at this time in my life is that I never forget that. Never forget that I am blessed! Praise the Lord!