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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today I rode my bike into downtown Long Beach to return something at Walmart. I walked up to the young women working the return desk and asked her how she was doing and without a second she responded, "I'm blessed, How are you doing?" I was a little taken back. Usually the people I know that respond with "I'm blessed" are the older church ladies. But this women was probably about 20. I told her I was good and we finished the transaction and I walked away. As I left I thought about how she responded. She was blessed. What got me thinking was I know I'm blessed but I never think to tell someone else that.
I think about my life right now. I have a had a crazy couple of weeks. In the midst of that I don't know if I could have said that, that I was blessed. It's funny because I am so blessed. I live in an amazing city with amazing people who I can be real with. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I also just got a job! Praise the Lord! I am very blessed! It's funny to me that it took the women at Walmart to show me that.
My prayer at this time in my life is that I never forget that. Never forget that I am blessed! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Border Run

This past weekend I had the great opportunity to go to Mexico with my church, Bethany Church. The trip was called Border Run, which it in deed was a border run. We left for Mexico on Friday morning and returned Sunday afternoon. A very quick trip, hence the run part. We worked with a ministry called Genesis Diaz, which has been a ministry that Bethany has been helping out with for years. The whole group of people consisted for 81 people. We brought construction workers, a doctor/dental team and people to help run a carnival.
The construction workers worked on a house that was bought in the city of Ensenada, to use for children with disabilities that had all the things to help them in there everyday life. A few days before the trip we found out that Genesis Diaz still had not closed on the sale for the house that we had a whole team of construction workers ready to get started on fixing the house. Thankfully we got a call on Thursday informing us that they had closed on the house and that it would be ready for work right when we go there. Praise the Lord! The men worked on the house right when we got there Friday and all day Saturday. We were able to see the house before we left on Sunday and they had done a lot.
The doctor/dental team worked in the clinic that Genesis Diaz had started in Ensenada. The nurses did check ups and prescribed medicine. The dentists were able to check teeth and fix whatever needed to be fixed. They were able to see a lot of people. Some of the ladies were also able to paint some women's hands and really pamper them while they waited. Something that very rarely happens to these women.
The rest of the people which consisted of a lot of Junior Highers, Junior High staff and some other people in the bethany church family, put on a carnival for some of the locals that lived near the Ranch where we stayed. In the morning the Junior Highers were paired off with a Mexican kid which we referred to as ninos and they were told to stay with them all day. No matter where they went or wanted to go there job was to love on there nino. They did a great job. The rest of the people were in charge of running the games and passing out candy. In the afternoon we had lunch then some people acted out a story. Then they kids were able to do crafts or play games like soccer or basketball. They had a ton of fun making things. After all the crafts and games we had a pinata which was a good idea until the first girl who hit it, hit it down causing a little bit of chaos. But after all was said and done it was a good day and the ninos went home with candy, crafts and memories from the day.
Later that night we were able to break up into to groups and go visit the homes of the ninos and bring them food. It was so interesting to see where they lived and how they lived a little. It definitely cause to to yet again be shown how blessed I am. It's funny that just a few days ago I was crying on the phone to my dad saying, "I don't know what I'm going to do next." I remember his reply. He asked, "do you have a roof over your head?, Do you have enough food?, Do you have gas in your car? You are blessed" This really just showed me again that I am VERY BLESSED!
As I look back over the last couple of days that I was in Mexico I think about the things that have happened and the things that I have been reminded of, because there were a few. First was the realization that Satan will do whatever he can to get you to go against God. Before we left I was not really feeling the trip. I didn't really want to go to Mexico because I felt I had other things to do that were more important. God for sure changed that right when I arrived. The other things in my life weren't important right then. But sharing HIS love was. Not only to the people in Mexico but the people on my team. Another thing the happened on this trip was that I got to meet all new kinds of people that are part of the Bethany Family. It was a lot of fun and they are going to be people that I can share the memories of Mexico with and also now we are friends and you can never have too many friends. While in Mexico I was reminded that life's not easy BUT it is a lot easier knowing that God is on your side and he has a plan for me. It's funny I say that a lot and yet I learn the lesson once again. And yet again I say Praise The Lord for that!
Whatever God did through this trip was for sure awesome. Things in my life have definitely changed a bit and I am glad for that. I pray that God will always keep me falling to my knees because it's where I find that HE is the one who can pick me up. Praise the Lord for that!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Great Words from Papa Krake

I was reading in Ephesians 4 this morning. Paul writes in 4:22-23 that we,
believers, have already "put off your old self" and already have "put on the
new self". It appears that both of these actions are commands and are in the
past tense.

The dilema for me is that I look at my own life through my eyes and I see
the "old self" staring back at me in the mirror of my mind. But God's Word
says that I AM the new self that was created by God. What does this all mean
to us today?

Well first we must chose whether or not we are going to believe God's Word
or my view of my life as seen through my eyes.

Second, since I chose to believe God's Word I do not see the events and my
actions today, or yesterday for that matter, as anything more than God at
work doing that which is best for me.

Remember that Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote that "for those who
love God ALL things work together for good."

So my encouragement for you today is to keep looking for God's activity. You
can depend on our Almighty God.


Monday, October 18, 2010

My Identity

Tonight I took some time for me. I decided that I was going to walk down to 2nd street and go to starbucks and read my new Lauren Conrad novel. (Don't hate, She's a good writer) I walked the long way down there to find the first starbucks to be closed. I really was looking forward to my short toffee nut latte so I proceeded to continue down 2nd street to see if the other one was open. To my relief it was. And it was a nice one. I walked in and ordered my drink and took a seat by a the window facing the street. All the comfy chairs were taken so I had to suck it up and sit at the stools by the window. Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem but tonight I wanted to read my book and enjoy my coffee not really worry or watch people. But inevitably we all know what happened. I put my book down after about 10 pages and did one of the things I do best. I watched people and analyzed.
It's one of my favorite things to do. People watching. I love to look at people and based off of what they look like and what they are doing I try to figure out there life. It's quite entertaining if you ask me. People watching is an art that is only done well in certain places. This starbucks in the midst of 2nd street was prime people watching territory. These are some of the people I came across.
1. two men who seemed to be a little off. they sat on the benches right in front of me. It was a little weird because when I say right in front of me that's really what I mean. If the window between us wasn't there it would seem that we were disturbing each others personal space. One of the men looked like a had been a little roughed up in his like. He wore thick rimmed glasses, a trucker hat that he pulled down to right above his eyes and he had a long silver beard. He was rather short but slender. The other man man was a larger man who was wearing shorts and a hawaiian button-up shirt. He was drinking a grande green tea latte frap. They seemed to be friends.
2. A man pulled up right in front of the starbucks with a large truck. When I saw large I mean that I would have to heave myself with a little jump to get into this thing, or at least have a decent size stepping stool. The truck barely fit into the parking space. The man looked like he was a business man with a good amount of money but me wore shorts, collared shirt and a hoodie. I'm guessing this was his afterwork hang out clothes. After he parked, very carefully I might add, he walked around the car so he was on the side walk in front of where I was sitting and he seemed to be talking to the two other men. He open one of the doors of the truck and pulled out a big box and brought it over to the men and set it down in between the two men. It seemed like they all knew each other or they were all very friendly guys. The man started going through the stuff with them and throwing some stuff away and giving them others. This man seemed like one of those people who had a family and a busy life and but this was part of his way of giving back and loving the people of Long Beach. Not that he was trying to change the whole world but just get to know some of the people in his city. I would love to say that this man was a Christian and he was just trying to love on these guys but i'm not sure if this was the case. I hope and pray that it was though. The best way of sharing Jesus is by showing his love.
3. Next to add to our group of friends we had the officers. One was a short asian man and the other was a tall african american man. Both of them were wearing what looked like normal officer gear on top but I noticed that the asian officer was wearing JEANS! Light washed jeans. I was amazed and confused. Then I noticed that the other officer was wearing jeans too but just a dark wash. I was giggling so hard in my head and trying to keep it from coming out. I also noticed that just under where the pin that said the officers names it said GANG ENFORCEMENT. I giggled at that as well. Have you even seen that? Then I started to think I wonder if the reason that they were wearing jeans was because they were just in undercover stuff and they didn't want to change there pants so they kept them on. What if they just took down the largest gang in Long Beach and now they were on a break for the night. You never know.
What I found funny about these men was that although they didn't know each other that didn't stop them from talking for about 45 minutes or more. I don't know what they were talking about but I can imagine it was just on life stuff. These men were all from very different walks of life but it didn't matter. They had there coffee and and were just chatting away.
4. Two ladies walked by and they looked like they just got back from a club. My guess is that they were at one of the many bars along the 2nd street strip. When they walked by the guys they talked to the african american officer like he was famous or something. They shook his hand and were flirting it up. I was so confused. Then after about a minute they walked away. It was the strangest thing.
5. The last pair of people I would like to share with you were they two dudes. They were both african american but one was short like my height of shorter and the other one was a least 7 foot. He was a huge brotha. What I found interesting was the shorter on was wearing baby phat clothes that fit him super huge and the larger guy wore nicely fitting clothes. I came tothis conclusion. The shorter guy was trying to make up for his size by trying to be all ghetto and wearing cloths that were obviously too big for him. He was sort of saying, "Come try and touch me, I'll take you out." As oppose to the taller guy who could say the same thing but he doesn't even need to because we all know you are an idiot if you tried. He would murder you with like one hand.

The thing that stood out for me tonight as I was watching people and analyzing or judging them was that everyone puts there identity in something. Weather it's there clothes, belongings, there job, friends or home. For me I find that I but my belonging, my identity in helping others. In what I can do for them. And I don't say this to make make myself sound better than anybody but I say it that that is what is hurting me. I identify myself with helping others when i should be identifying myself as a daughter of the king, as God's girl and as a follower of Jesus Christ. My identity should be found in Him. This is something that it took my roommate, Misty, who let me cry my problems to her to say that I need to find my identity in Christ. She told me to go on a walk, do something that gave me alone time with God.
At the time the first thing I thought to do was go over to my piano and play. And I did. Then I picked up my guitar. It was so awesome to feel God through music. After a time of my being alone with God I decided to talk a walk and get some coffee. I took the most relaxing and fun walk down to the 2nd street Starbucks. I listened to my worship on the way down the street at I looked out onto the ocean. I made it to Starbucks and this is where I met these interesting people. So in short I say that I know my identity is in Christ and it took me trying to figure out other people's identity's to truly figure out what mine is. I am God's girl. He's got my back. It's good to know!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For me, Music has always been a way to express myself. I find when I'm doing my music it's when I'm the most vulnerable. It's the place where I'm not fully confident to share with the world. But that's not why I think God gave me the ability to play music just to express myself. I think he also gave it to me as a way to take with him and to worship him. Like I said I'm vulnerable with my music and that exactly where God wants me when I come to Him. I need to give everything to Him. He wants my hopes, my fears, and my dreams. He wants to be my everything.

So like I said music is my way to express myself and also my way to come before an Almighty God. This song was written by Tim Hughes who has written many great songs. It is my prayer today.


God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping

God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking

Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything

God in my hoping
There in my dreaming
God in my watching
God in my waiting

God in my laughing
There in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
You are everything

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
Be my everything.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who am I?

I'm sitting at Starbucks trying to grasp the American History before I am quizzed on it later tonight. As I sit here and try to understand I start to think about my history. My life. I wonder who am I? Who do I want to be? That's what I'm left with. Thinking about who I want to be. I have great thoughts about what I wish to be but that's all they are. great thoughts. What do I do next though?
You know those people in your life who say things to you and they put you at a stand still? They say those things that just hit you hard enough to get the wind knoked out of you? Well I've talked to a few of them this week. Or better yet they talked AT me. It shook me up a bit. People whom I respected yet with there comments I have lost respect. This is what I've concluded as a lesson in my life: When speaking to someone, even if you are trying to help them by pointing out what they are doing wrong, don't do it in a mean way. Do it in a loving way. It's not that hard. What you say does affect people. This is a lesson I am learning and I hope that I have not said things to people that give them that feeling that I am having now. And if I have I am truly sorry.
Back to where I started, I think about these people in my life I think about them as part of my history. Part of the great story which I like to call, "The Life of Cheryl Kay Krake." I think about the things I have done and the choices I have made. Many of them not being the rights things while others seem to have been the right things to do. I will never make all the right moves, I'm human. It's in my nature to mess up, but what I am learning is that it's how you mess up and that shows more of who you really are.
So with all that said. Who am i? I'm a Sinner, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend, and most of all I AM DEEPLY LOVED BY GOD! That's the best part. Praise the Lord that I am His and he is mine!

Monday, September 6, 2010

With Everything By Joel Houston

Open our hearts,
To see the things
That make Your heart cry,
To be the church
The You would desire.
A Light to be seen.

Break down our pride,
And all the walls
We've built up inside,
Our earthly crowns
And all our desires,
We lay at Your feet.

So let hope rise,
And darkness tremble
In Your holy light,
And every eye will see
Jesus, our God,
Great and mighty to be praised.

God of all days,
Glorious in all of Your ways.
Your majesty, the wonder and grace,
In the light of Your name.

So let hope rise,
And darkness tremble
In Your holy light,
And every eye will see
Jesus, our God,
Great and mighty to be praised.

With everything,
With everything,
We will shout for your glory.

With everything,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.

Our hearts will cry
Be glorified,
Be lifted high,
Above all names.
For You our King,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.

With everything,
With everything,
We will shout forth your glory.

With everything,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Time for Change.

As most of you know, I am not attending Biola this year. Money, as with most students at Biola was a problem. I wasn't willing to take out so may loans because I wanted to be able to go where ever God lead me after I finally graduated and not have to worry about paying off these huge loans. What's funny about this situation is that I know God is working in me through this whole situation. I have pretty much had a calm heart about putting my dream of being a Biola graduate on hold with the uncertainty of returning. I'm not sure what God will do in the next couple of years but I can't wait to find out. I know that his plan is fair greater than any thing I can ever hope and imagine. I have learned that even though the situation may have many unknowns and lots of uncertainty, I know that God is always there and he is watching over me. He will never give me anything I can't handle because I can do all things through him who gives me strength.
The next part of my journey is continuing in the LA area. I am currently a resident of Long Beach, California where I am blessed to live with 3 amazing roommates. Our home is like a fairly tail on the beach. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I am also bless to work at Bethany Church with the junior highers there. I have learned tons and I have only been there for three months. I am so pumped to see what God has planned for our group this next year! Lastly I am going to school in Huntington Beach at Golden West Community college. I'm convinced that this is a blessing in disguise from God. I haven't seen anything amazing yet but I know that He will use in my some way. I only go to school one day a week for one class, (the rest I'm taking online) but I know that God is going to use me even in that small period of time to make an impact on this campus.
This summer, actually this whole last year has been a hard year for me. God had tugged and pulled at my heart. I have been broken over and over again and when I think I'm ready for the good stuff he breaks me again. I'm not writing this to sound sad but to just show that even though I have been broken I can still say that God is good through it all and he is taking care of me.
Lastly I would like to put out some prayer requests as the school year is starting.

1. Pray for the junior highers and staff in the Herd at Bethany(the church I work at) This year we are starting strong and I'm so excited for what's to come. For me please pray for guidance as I am leading the 6th grade girls and also overseeing all the females that are a part of the Herd. Pray that our group becomes a united family in Christ. That we are able to love each other and love God.
2. Pray that I stay focused and on top of my school work. This is the first time that I am taking online classes and it is really going to be interesting.

3. Pray also that I find another job. I need to find a way to get more money so that I can save for school and my poor car, Gina is on her last days so I will need to find a new one in the next year or so. She is for sure struggling.

So everybody. This is my life right now. Thanks for your continued prayers. They mean the world to me. I leave with this...Always remember at the end of the day GOD IS GOOD!

Monday, August 2, 2010

God is Good in ALL THINGS!

I am sorry that it has been a long time since I have posted anything because I have been crazy busy. Since my last post I have registered for my new school, Golden West Community college. I've gone to camp at Hume Lake Christian camps with my junior highers. I have gone home to celebrate my brothers engagement to Tamara. And I have been looking for a new place to live. My life is getting crazy.
I'm going to Golden West Community College because I could not afford going to Biola for another year. I'm looking at this as more of a blessing and challenge then as a sad situation. It's funny that I'm really okay with not going to Biola right now. I was talking to one of my friends and she thought it was a little funny because out of everyone she knew I had said since my brother went to Biola like 10 years ago that I was going there too. I'm not going to say that I am always going to be happy with my situation but one thing I do know is that God has me where I am for a reason. I know that because I'm not all that sad about not going to Biola. I mean I'm going to have my moments like when I pick up one of my best friends from the airport tomorrow and take her to Biola but I know God has a different plan for me. I remember talking to one of my best friends and mentor, Sheri and she had said that my outgoing personality should be used in a public school. Not that Biola doesn't have problems or people who don't believe but that a public school will let me share and love my peers who don't know about Christ. Who look at Christians as freaks. I want the people who I meet to come to know my friend Jesus. The one who came to set them free. As I'm writing this I find myself starting to tear up and I can't seem to know why? Maybe it is because I'm better understanding who Jesus is and the real gift he paid. When I think about it all I can do it cry. That's the only thing. So basically the conclusion to my story of my school situation is that my last year at Biola was amazing and I plan for my next years at Golden West to be just as great and challenging and my hope, my longing is that God will stretch me even more than I can imagine.
Hume Lake as it usually does stretched and molded me in ways that I wasn't expecting. Going into the week I was nervous about going home just because I didn't know what to expect. A lot of things had changed since I'd been home and I knew that I was going to be having some conversations about what was coming in the future and when you don't know those answers those conversations just get eve harder. I hate planning for the unknown. To top that off the first night or two I just didn't feel connected with my cabin. My mind was other places and my emotions were everywhere. Seeing old friends, meeting new ones and remembering memories take a toll on me. By the end of the week thanks to a great supportive staff and great kids I learned so much about myself, and my students and about God. I'm unplugging myself from the world and plugging into God. He should be my only source of energy. The week encouraged me for the future at Bethany and the relationships I will make!
*This is my cabin of girls!! The bestest cabin a girl could have!*
If you haven't heard my brother is GETTING MARRIED. I know right? I used to think that I was going to get married before he did but he found himself a special lady. Tamara is going to LEGALLY going to be a Krake! All I can say is it is about time. That girl has practically been in our family for dayzzz!! Congrats to them! May 28, 2010 is the BIG DAY!!
Finally my room searching is still continuing. I have found some really sketchy places and some good ones that just didn't work out. I'm praying that God provides a great place for me!

These last weeks have been really good weeks and really hard weeks as well. God has shown me so much of who he is and about who he wants me to be. My life is full of unknowns and I'm full of trust that God is my provision and he will take care of me. That's my life right now! Keep posted.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light
Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord
Thou my great father and I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one
Riches I need not, nor man's empty praise
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High King of heaven my treasure Thou art
High King of heaven, my victory won
May I reach heaven's door, bright heaven sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall
Still be my vision, oh ruler of all
Still be my vision, oh ruler of all

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This was my cabin of crazy Tropical Treasures! I will be with these girls for there junior high years and this is only the beginning! I'm so excited to see what God does in there lives in the upcoming years as they grow in him. My prayer is that God will give me the words to say to help them come to know him better!
THE MEGHAN SAWYER!! She was my co counselor and I honestly don't know what I would have done with out her. She was an amazing help and I'm so happy that I can now call her friend. We have gone through a week of something that most people never have to or get to experience. This week we learned a lot about ourselves, about each other and about our girls. I can't wait to get to know even more about this women of God! *I do know that she is not a morning person and I learned this by waking the whole cabin up with music before I left for my counselor meeting every morning. Good Times!*

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What a Day!

I know I haven't been blogging much but after the last two weeks i finally am finding time and I will be updating you all on what has been happening.

Now I would just like to say thanks to all of you who contributed to my birthday! It was a great day. I got tons of Target gift cards and a fire dance. It was legit. I realized that I am now TWO DECADES old. 20 Years old! It's crazy to think about it because I still feel like I'm in junior high. Maybe that is because I am working with junior highers but I don't know. I still can't believe I'm not a teenager. Funny thought too was my last week of being a teenager I went to super summer camp. I really went back to the good old times of being a kid.

After 20 years I honestly can say that I am one blessed girl. I have great friends and family. I have had my struggles. I'm sure that I will have many more. But God has taken care of my through it all. His plan becomes clearer every day then he serves me a curve ball. At first I would be really frustrated about the sudden changes but then I think, What fun is life with out the curve balls? I look back at my life so far and I see that those curve balls have really been blessings in disguise and they have truly taught me to rely on God. This is a continual lesson that I am so bless and happy to have. And let me tell you that God is working in me because I don't think that a year ago I could feel this calm about the curve balls.

Basically I just wanted to let you all know that I'm so thankful for all of you guys in my life and that I am truly blessed!

(This first one is blurry but I think this is the best picture to show you the fire dance i received on my birthday. Ron and Chris were the best even though i for sure feared for my life. The Second one gave you a better picture of my emotion.)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Only the Beginning

As I hope most of you know already I am working as one of the junior high interns at Bethany Church of Long Beach. It was fun to see God take my situation and put this church and the junior high ministry right in it. He definitely shut doors...slammed them shut but he also opened big windows. This leads me to say that I am one of the junior high interns at Bethany Church of Long Beach.

After being offered the position of intern and then accepting it did not take Jon, the junior high pastor to ask me to go to Super Summer camp with a cabin of 5th grade soon to be 6th grade girls who would be in the youth group for the next couple of years. He wanted to get as much staff to welcome these new junior highers in as possible. This was a bigger task then I thought.

I met the girls first at the camps pre camp rally. Let's just say that I found out that I had my work cut out for me. But in everything God puts things in our lives to help us grow and hedoesn't give us anything that we can't handle. This was a verse that I had to keep in mind forthe next couple of weeks leading up to camp and continually as I was at camp. I honestly thought that going to camp was to get to know the girls and help them make the transition into junior high. What I didn't expect was to meet tons of new people in the Bethany church family who helped make me feel like part of the family. It was a true blessing to meet the other staff and to get to know a lot more kids then just the girls in my cabin. God's plan was far greater than I could have ever imagined. He took care of every fear and yet he challenged me so much. Not only was camp hard but when you lose your voice on the second day and your name is Cheryl Kay Krake, a person who talks a lot you find yourself in a bit of a problem. I had to learn to depend on my other counselor, which I think helped her grow too. God takes every experience and he uses it to show his glory. He has proven to me once again how good he really is.

Now that I am finally updating everyone on camp summer is officially on the way! God is really using this summer to teach me and I am excited to see what he has planned!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthday List 2010

  • Laundry Basket-A plastic one from Walmart that has a pull out handle and wheels. A gift card would be best for this because then i could make sure it's the one I want plus it woul dbe easy for me to pick up.
  • Target Gift Card- Who doesn't need a target card? I want a number of organizing things for next year. There are also just odds and ends that I could use a card for.
  • Money- Here is a list of some of the things I would like to get with some money:
Rainbow Flip Flops-Outlet store in Southern California
Books-For the next semester
Odds and Ends- Random things that come up
  • Starbucks Black Card- I would like to go to starbucks and being a poor college student it is hard. It would be nice to have a discount card and some money going toward it.
These are the main things I either want or need. It would be great to get them for my birthday! Thanks!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Say (All I Need)

Do you know where your heart is?
Do you think you can find it?
Or did you trade it for something
Somewhere better just to have it?
Do you know where your love is?
Do you think that you lost it?
You felt it so strong, but
Nothing's turned out how you wanted

Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

Do you know what your fate is?
And are you trying to shake it?
You're doing your best and
Your best look
You're praying that you make it

Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

I said all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Better than you had it
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Yeah, better than you had it (Better than you had it)

I said I all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

I said all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

Do you know where the end is
Do you think you can see it?
Well, until you get there
Go on, go ahead and scream it
Just say it

by: One Republic

Friday, June 11, 2010

Alternate Reality

Got pulled over today and two officers walked up on either side of my car. Freaked me out, then the male one asked me(after he asked for my registration and such) if I had weed in the car. Really. That's would happen to me. It's cause i got red hair. BUT reguardless of this mishap, I didn't get a ticket and had a great time with my ladies from Mosaic Whittier!

Tonight we learned about our reality. As Christians what our reality would look like and what out reality looks like without Christ. It was a great night to see old friends and to really enjoy fellowship with other women.

We had a time of music and the played an acoustic version of Lady Gaga's, "Poker Face." I got real excited and loved it. I love acoustic versions of really cool songs. It gives the song a whole new feel.

Great thoughts from our speaker.

Life As You Know It

Perception is Reality

It's not my fault

"if only"....

Colored by greys and half empties

Aluminum foil thin

"Why me?"

Susceptible to collapse


Life As You Will It

Adjust my perception

Share the blame

"I Can"...

Colored by possibilities and half fulls

Steel beam thick

"How can I grow?"

Crucial to Foundation

You Choose

Life As You Live It

-Christa McKirland

This night was full of many thoughts that I need to consider and I will be posting more thoughts on life and how I'm living it.

Facilities Services

This Summer I have been given the pleasure, the opportunity to work in Facilities Services. Basically I'm on cleaning crew. I was able to get this job working 20 hours a week and my schedule is very flexible in the sense that I can take 2 weeks off for camp. This is great but the time that I have to work is a bit of a struggle. I work the 5AM TO 9AM shift. Wow I know but I am making it through.

On the Facilities Services staff I am given keys that allow to go to many different offices buildings. It's great. Today for instance my location was switched. I was able to clean the library. We cleaned at 6AM so people were not there and I was quite daring. I yelled at the top of my lounges just to say that I have yelled in the library and not gotten in trouble.

The second thing that I did was play a little baseball. We made a makeshift bat out of out feather duster and made the ball out of our used plastic gloves. Don't worry everyone this was done after we had finished cleaning everything possible. It was a time to bond with my cleaning friends and enjoy the great old game that I know and love as baseball.

Gotta love a job that allows you to have fun and work hard!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day in the Life.

I haven't been updating this thing because my life has become a little crazy. But I am finally figuring out what my schedule looks like on a normal day. Here it is.

4:00 AM Wake-Up

5:00 AM Be at work.

9:00 AM Get off work

9:15AM Go Home and Eat

10:00 AM Take a nap

1:00 PM Wake Up From nap

Then on I am basically doing random schananagans. Wether it be going to work at Bethany or hanging with friends or cleaning. That is my current life. It's odd but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

Today my schedule changes a bit though. I have gotten another job cleaning a home right near Biola. It's a couple that lives there with 3 graduate students. It's a lot of work but only 1 time a week. very manageable. So after finishing cleaning there place I got back to my place at about 1pm. Then I preceded to take a nap and it was great.

This though is what i concluded about my nap today:

Took a nap. RESUlTS: I didn't turn the volume on my phone on so my alarm didn't go off so i didn't wake up for 2 hours. I also had the most realistic dream and slept through my plan to get stuff done. Naps and I have a love hate relationship. Mostly Love though.

That's just a little bit about what is going on in my life right now. All to say God is good and he is taking care of me!

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Key

This is the key to the house I will be living in for the summer! More photos to come of the house. I officially move in tomorrow and tomorrow night will be my first night staying there. I am so thank full for David and Lauren for letting me crash at there pad. It's been real. This is only the beginning to what looks like an amazing summer!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The End.

Well I did it. I finished my first year of my freshman year of college. I am truly blesses with everything an everyone in my life. I'm sorry i have been lame on posting things but it's about to be summer so I will for sure be letting everyone know what's going on in life. Just know God is good! It's a great lesson to learn.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today I turned in my 42 page target market project. This was a semester long assignment that was due today. I was for sure glad I got it off my hands.

After we turned the project Less asked us what we had learned from our projects. I thought about it and I had learned a lot of things but I think the best thing I learned was that God does have a place for me to be in the music industry and I can't wait to see what opportunities he opens up.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Let the Madness begin!

What's up everyone? I'm hear to report that I am sick and the finals season is coming. Unfortunately I have gotten that sniffle bug and it is a struggle to get all the thing I need to get done done. But don't worry only two more weeks and I'm done!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh what a day!

Yesterday I took the adventure to the UCLA area to check out appreciate the art at the Hammer Museum for my art appreciation class. I went with Brooklin and Spencer who are two people in my class. After an hour and a half of LA traffic, a thing that I love, we made it to the museum. We were able to get free parking and get in for free.
After the museum we decided to go to dinner since we were going to have to sit in traffic for a while anyway. While waiting for dinner Brooklin got in touch with her best friend that she hadn't seen since 10th grade and she went to UCLA. We ended up meeting with her and having coffee and diddy riece. Such a good night of talking about life and hearing about how God is working on the UCLA campus.
I also go new shoes and a totally cool mug! What a nice!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Papa Krake makes an appearance

I spent the weekend with Papa Krake! (well most of the weekend) Dodger game, Chad Billingsley win, Dinner in Hunington Beach, good conversations about life and the future. What more could i ask from a weekend from my dad. So Good!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Last night I spent the evening running around Long Beach on a scavenger hunt with a group of junior high girls. SOO FUN!!! God is so good to put amazing people in my life! Oh and we dominated by the way!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Library

Dear Biola Library,

You are so beautiful and yet I can't utilize you for what you are for because you are so beautiful and hold so many interesting books and people. Just letting you know.

Yours Truly, Cheryl Kay Krake

Oh Happy Day...Oh Happy Weekend.

This weekend has been one of relaxing. Weekend Schedule:
Friday Class 8:30 to 9:20
Chaps 9:30 to 10:20
Nap Time 11 to 2
Lunch and girl bonding with Ashley 2:30-4:00
Cleaning, Moca Salsa, Movie time, Music the rest of the night.
Saturday Wake up 11am
Baseball game 12-4
Chickfila with the girls 5
Nice night in again
Sunday Church @ Bethany 9:30
Homework, Maddie's birthday and Such rest of the evening
Successful Weekend!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Fair and Glorious Gift

I wish to see all arts, principally music, in the service of Him who gave and created him. Music is a fair and glorious gift of God. I would not for the world forego my humble share of music. Singers are never sorrowful, but are merry, and smile through their troubles in song. Music makes people kinder, gentler, more staid and reasonable. I am strongly persuaded that after theology there is no art than can be placed on a level with music; for besides theology, music is the only art capable of affording peace and joy of the heart...the devil flees before the sound of music almost as much as before the world of God.

-Martin Luther

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Words to Ponder

I wrote this in my journal for on of my classes and it seems to be something that I look back on as an ongoing lesson.
"This upcoming week has a lot riding on it if you will. I find out a lot of things that will determine what I will be doing this summer and what my next year will look like. I find out if I have a job at the camp I worked at last year and I also find out if I will be going or staying here for next year. Through all of this I have realized that I plan it out too much and get my hopes up instead of really taking it to God and giving him my summer and next year. I tend to plan and not to really pray, “God use my in the next season of my life in whatever way you would like.” I don’t think we fully surrender because then we are left with uncertainties. The unknown has been something that society has taught me that I need to know what is going to happen all the time. This is not the case. Where did the fun of not knowing go? I think we need to just tae time and give it over to God and really enjoy the unknown because it’s not putting restraint in your life. It’ opening the box to new things!"

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Truly Blessed

Today I arrived back in the Bay Area from being in Portland for the last days. My mom and I went to run a few errands and the first one was to get one of the head lights' light replaced on Gina(my car). We went to the auto parts store in Hayward and when we walked in the girl working Angela greeted us with a "hello" quickly followed by a "how can I help you today?" She was very on top of her job and had it together. She got the light I needed and helped me put it in so next time I would know how. When she was putting it in my mom noticed that she had tattoos on both of her wrists with a boys name on it. She asked who they were and Angela replied with they were her brothers names. It was a reminder for her to stay out of trouble she said. Mom further pressed to find out that Angela was 21 years old and her brothers were 12 and 14 and that her mom had died when she was 15 and she was left to take care of her brothers ever since. Angela was only 15 and she was left to take care of her brothers who were 6 and 8 years old at the time. She said that she had three jobs just to make it by but that her brothers were especially good and they didn't ask for much so they made it by. My mom then hugged her and handed her some money and told her that she was amazing. She is now our new friend.
Angela is just one of a lot of boys and girls who are forced to grow up earlier then they should have but they did because they had no choice. They are people that we need to be helping out every day because we have some much compared to them. I think about the fact that I have a mom and dad who love me and provide for me. For this I am truly blessed.

I am truly blessed!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good Morning Portland

Portland Day 1
Today I arrived in Portland and I was greeted in the airport by Shatrine. She took me to Glenn's school where I hung out in his class and helped grade papers and then after school we went to the varsity teams baseball game. We arrived at the game and it had started sprinkling which was horrible because I was wearing my clothe So Cal shoes which do not do good in the rain. It was also freezing! The game ended up going on and Glenn and I champed out the whole game and had a lot of fun.
Portland Day 2
I am currently sitting in my brother's Junior English class. They have just finished a quiz and I am sitting here listening to my Ipod wondering how on earth I got up this morning to come to school. It was a definite struggle. But I'm here to help grade some papers! I'm such a good sister.

Portland Day 3
Today I got to go to the Zoo! It was quite an adventure chasing after Audrey. She may be only be a little over 2 years old but the girl is fast. I definitely was a lot of fun but I was tired after it was all said and done.
After the Zoo I took an adventure with Shatrine to get a perm! On April 7 2010 at 1:45PM I started the process of getting a perm. Yes a perm. My long awkwardly straight wavy hair is no more. I went to the Aveda Institute of Cosmotology with Shatrine because that is where she gets her hair done plus they are students so it is like half price. Basically if I was going to get a perm I was gonna get it cheap but Aveda made me feel like I was at a real salon. Find an Aveda if you want any good hair cut, color, perm and more!
My lovely hairstylist, Michael worked for hours to finish my hair but not without some assistance from Christy. Michael did most of the work but Christy came in and helped finish when his fingers couldn’t role my hair any longer. They were a great team. The stuff they put in my hair smelt HORRIBLE but it was fun having two people work on my hair. It made me sort of feel like I was famous because everyone in the place knew that I was getting a perm and since my hair was so long they know that it was quite a task. People were walking by and checking me out. Don’t worry I rocked the look so people had something to look at.
My Hairstylist Michael and Christy

Saturday, April 3, 2010

He is Risen!

the cross by noe_carrillo.

Easter is the day that the cross became something so much more to many people. It is the reminder of the price that Christ paid on the cross. 
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
His blood has set us free!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


What is our purpose? What are we living for? As a Christian my purpose is to live my life glorifying God and showing his love. I know I have a purpose because Christ died for my sins so I can live.

What is your purpose?

Think about it. Just a thought.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Silence is something that is hard to do. For me most people would know that. It is just not my nature. But i have learned that even though I may think that noise is better silence is something that is important. It lets you collect your thoughts and be alone with God.
Silence is something that today we don't like to think about but I challenge one to just sit and be silent. Don't make any plans or do something. Just sit and be silent with God and wait for what he wants to show you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fingerprints by Katy Perry

Voted most likely to end up 
On the back of a milk box drink 
Looks like I'm lettin 'em down 
'Cause seven seventy-five isn't worth 
An hour of my hard working time 
When you can't afford half the shit they advertise 
Oh, I'm worth more than and X 
More than the toe-tag generation full of regrets 
Oh, I won't settle no-o, oh, I can't settle 
I wanna break the mold 
Wanna break the stereotype 
Fist in the air 
I'm not going down without a fight 

It's my life and I'm not sitting 
On the sidelines watching it 
Pass me by, I'm leaving you my legacy I 
I gotta make my mark, I gotta run it hard 
I want you to remember me 
I'm leaving my fingerprints 
I'm leaving my fingerprints 
I'm leaving my fingerprints on you 

Representing you and me 
Don't you wanna go down in history? 
Rather than end up begging on the streets 
Trading under table favors for a place to sleep 
'Cause I'm worth more than this 
So stop writing prescriptions for more Ritalin 
I can focus my attention 
I wanna break the mold 
Wanna break the stereotype 
Fist in the air 
I'm not going down without a fight 

It's my life and I'm not sitting 
On the sidelines watching it 
Pass me by, I'm leaving you my legacy I 
I gotta make my mark, I gotta run it hard 
I want you to remember me 
I'm leaving my fingerprints 
I'm leaving my fingerprints.. 
Don't give up, but don't give in 
Build your house on the rock 
Oh, not in the sand, in the sand 
In the sand, in the sand... 

It's my life and I'm not sitting 
On the sidelines watching it 
Pass me by, I'm leaving you my legacy 
I, I gotta make my mark, I gotta run it hard 
I want you to remember me 

It's my life and I'm not sitting 
On the sidelines watching 
It pass me by, I'm leaving you my legacy 
I, I gotta make my mark, I gotta run it hard 
I want you to remember me 
'Cause I'm leaving my fingerprints 
I'm leaving my fingerprints 
I'm leaving my fingerprints in the END.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Snoop Dogg

Tonight I shook the hang of the one and only Snoop D-O-Double G. Yes I did. I was at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney and my friends and I saw him when we were trying to find parking and he walked right past us. Then when we went into the House of Blues for the concert I saw him again so I decided to go up to him and see if it was really him. I walked up with my confident self and said, "Are you Snoop Dogg?" and he responded in saying, " I'm just trying to have a good night" and then he took my hand into both of his and said have a nice night. There was some talk that this may not have been the real Snoop Dogg but after our friendly embrace I fully believe that this was the one and only Snoop D-O-G-G! My life is basically complete. Well sort of, but you know what I mean. This was crazy!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A day with no light.

Today I got to experience the fun of having no electricity and let me tell you it was NO FUN. This weekend is Biola University's 102 Birthday and Homecoming weekend so a tons of extra people are on campus. Also is was raining and just to make matters better the electricity went out all over campus. My dorm was basically pitch black because it wasn't really any sunshine out today. Finally by the time Biola won there 2 homecoming basketball games the electricity was back on. I didn't realize how much I really do depend on light and electricity and I fully believe that God wanted me to remember how good I have it and to be always thankful for the things I have and not to wait till I don't have them to say I'm thankful. My lesson learned is that I am truly blessed to have electricity and all the things that help make my life so amazing. 

Take and look at your life and realize how good you have it!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Late Night Study Adventures

So it is week 3 of school and tonight marks the first night of what looks to be an all nighter. Oh joy! This is what makes my life as a college student complete. But don't worry folks I have my diet coke and it looks like tonight is going to be one for the books. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Friends. New Adventures.

(L to R. Mikeala, Me, Stacie, Carol, Julia.)
This is late coming but I wanted everyone to hear about my fun night in San Diego. Due to Facebook I saw that there was a cool art show in San Diego and me trying to be an artsy person decided to find a crew to go check it out. This "crew" ended up be me, Mikeala, Julia and Carol. Mikeala lives on my floor and Julia and Carol are some of my very new friends. This was an epically goo group. 
We get to the art show and it ends up being very small and we were done with the whole thing in about 15 minutes so we decide to go find tacos somewhere. I don't have any idea where to look but I do know someone who would, so I called my trusty San Diego guide, Les. We ended up going to meeting up with him at a christian sorority open mic night where he was hanging out. In ending we met a girl named Stacie and we all became fast friends and we got to tour the Alpha Delta Chi sorority house, a christian sorority on San Diego States campus. I have decide that I want to bring sororities to Biola. Haha. I think by just saying this a couple of people have had minor hard attacks. But I do want to add that sororities, although many are, they don't have to be all about what you look like or about getting so wasted you don't remember what you did last night. From what I understand, sororities are for making lifelong friendships, giving back and also for networking to help make the world a better place. 
In the end we came away form San Diego feeling a little more artsy, full from a california burrito and with some new friends! 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is Valentines Day Really About?

Valentine's day has been known as many different things. I have heard Single's awareness day, a Hallmark holiday and for Starbucks it was the perfect holiday to come out with a new cup to promote there "Love Project" which is raising money to but medicine for people living with HIV in Africa. 
For single's it is just another day that they have to realize that they don't have that special someone. For couples it's another day to celebrate there relationship. I am a single and I think that today is another day to just tell people you love them. It doesn't have to be this dramatic thing about bringing light that we don't have a significant other. Just embrace those around you and let them know you love them.
A couple I know told me they don't believe in Valentines day. They think it is a Hallmark Holiday where they scam to make more money off us so that we can buy our significant other something special. Why should we just celebrate our love on just one day? This makes sense but I do think that this is just another fun day to do something extra special to remember that love you share. 
And as for Starbucks...They made another cup! They brought a cup out for Valentines day! The cups mean something. They mean good things are happening just like when they come out for the Christmas season. They make things happen! Not only to they represent that but these Valentines day cups are saving money to send medicine to Africa for those who have HIV. The cups really do make things happen!
All in all Valetine's Day is not a time to be depressed and lonely but a time to remember that we are to love one another just as Christ has loved us!

Let's Share the love people!