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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I directed this video when I was on an adventure with my roommate Michelle and her boyfriend, Kelly AKA Kelly Dlux. I don't think I need to give you much except for the explanation of what Stroll-N-Savor is.

Stroll-N-Savor is put on in Belmont Shore on 2nd street. Basically what you do is you pay $10 and get 12 tickets. Most of the food places on 2nd street have smaller portions for a certain amount of tickets. For example BJ's had a slice of pizza for 2 tickets and then another pizza/pasta place had a scoop of pasta for 1 ticket. Let's be real I used 11 of my 12 tickets and I was stuffed at the end. The nice thing though is that you do have to walk all up and down 2nd street so you sort of feel like you are getting a small workout.

It was a great evening with some great friends! Here is the video to show it!

This is another production from My life through the FLIP!


This is my first EVER self video with my new FLIP! Thanks to John, Tamara, Shatrine, Glenn and Audrey for my birthday gift! It's the BEST!

Now I am able to record and share what I'm doing with my life! I know, YOU ARE WELCOME!
There are so many people who I love and who I want to share my life with even if we don't live close. This was I can!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day.

Some of you know him as Andy, Mr.Krake, The dodger fan, The guy who sits on the left at church and if you are my niece, Audrey his name is Opa. But I know him by, Daddy. Today is father's day. The Day we especially honor our Dad's or Daddy's. For those of you who don't know, I know a pretty legit father. He is one of the coolest cats EVER. My Daddy is the BEST Daddy in the world. Oh and I'm prepared to tell you why.

I call my father daddy but I know him by other qualities. He is an

honest, caring, loving, generous, compassionate, advice giver,

knowledgeable, observant, thoughtful, amazing guy!

Now I would continue but then this would be way to long a post.

My Daddy has al l of these quality's and more. He is the first person I call when something is wrong, when everything is right, when I need more money, and even when I just need some advice. He is a man who I have looked up to in all of my 20 going on 21 years! He is a man who even in the midst of trials looked to God

and showed me how to follow Christ by his actions. We all know it's one

thing to say you are a Christian and it is a whole other thing to act it out in your life. My father, Joseph Andrew Krake is one who follows the Lord.

Now my Dad and I have been though a lot together and no doubt we will

go through so much more but I have some things I'd like to share with you about my dad. For those of you who don't know my Dad got pipes. And let me tell you they are pretty good as well as long when need be. The thing I used to hate would be when my Dad would sing in the house. I'm sure he would come back at me with, "It wasn't that loud" but trust me Dad you were loud. I have the same problem. But as much as I used to complain or give him my looks I still loved hearing him sing through the house! When I was living back home I didn't have a car and my dad would give me rides to school he didn't have to cause we only lived like 10 minutes away from the school but he know I hated being all gross when I got to school so he always made sure I got a ride to school. Even through I moved away my Dad was always there to answer my questions

help me when out when I messed things up. When I went into the

hospital my Dad was the first one I called and he knew I needed him. He made sure he got to me as soon as he could. He was the first familiar face I saw when I got out of surgery. My Dad is always their for me in the good times and in the bad. No matter how many times I mess up I know I can always come to him and he will be there.

I'm so thankful for my Daddy! He is one of a kind and I'm glad that he is mine!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Voice:LIVE

On Tuesday June 14, I got the opportunity to go be on the The Voice LIVE. Now don't get too excited. I was just in the audience, I wasn't on stage or anything. It was defs something to check off my bucket list.

Here's the video:

Try to find ME!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


It's that time of the year again people. Time to graduate. Of course I'm not graduating and I'm not really near graduating either. But some pretty cool peeps in my life are graduating. Working with students means I always get to celebrate this time of year and I LOVE it!
For my Junior Highers it's just one step before the start the big bad world of High School. They start the process of figuring out what they want to do with there lives and enjoy friends, family and looking forward to the next four years of there life. One of the most influential times of there life!
For the high school graduates, they are now on there own, sort of. Hopefully they get the opportunity to live on there own and further figure out what they want to do and start to see how to do that! They enjoy the new friends, late night food runs and all nighters. It's a time of really coming into there own.
Now the college graduate! Generally they have it together right? They have a degree, maybe a job by now and a place of there own. Through the many staged of life they have figured out who they are! They come into the world of adulthood with perspective, courage and youth. They are ready to take the world on!
All these different ages of graduates have things to look forward to, as well as things that scare the heck out of them. But they all get to start these adventures of there lives with unknowns and new discoveries about love, life and the world around them. These experiences help to shape who we become. Now is the time where we choose what types experiences that we want to have or if you are me then the experiences sort of choose you!
That being said, to all you graduates, or people in the midst of change keep pushing through. The greatness is at the end of each journey, when you can look back and see how much you have grown!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Some people laugh at my when I tell how I love weddings. Others tell me I gotta find a man first and I have even had people give me weird looks. I have a couple of responses for those people. One, I did go to Biola for one year, which is a Christian college in Southern California and like pretty much all of the Christian colleges there motto is "Ring by Spring." I mean come on. How do you expect me to not think about it? Another reason is if you saw my fridge right now. All over there is plastered Save the dates and invites. It's like a small mall display showing you your options of your own wedding announcements and invites. Why don't we just add in that society is telling us we should get married. Now it's not as hard pressed as it was for our parents to get married young but it's still out there. I notice it most in the movies when you see a couple in love! The wedding comes and you WANT the same happiness. We ALL have seen those wedding movies I'm sure. I'm just trying to say that no wonder we all have WEDDINGS on the mind.
I will admit that I do want to find that Mr.Right just like the next girl and I want to have my happily ever after too. But for me and all the college aged women who really aren't ready for marriage, are we really looking for Mr.Right or Mr.Right Now? That guy who we know we are not going marry but we just try to find someone who will love on us and make us feel beautiful. I know, I have been there too. I think for a lot of singles in the world, they just want to find someone to love and to love them in a romantic way, because it feels good in the moment. Now don't get me wrong, I think dating is good when someone is ready for it. But how many people in your life do you see dating or pursuing someone for the wrong reasons? My point is that when God wants you to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, He will let you know. Just trust me on that one.
I know I have said a lot about why weddings are so big in my life right now but that's not really why I love them. I love them for a number of reasons like, for there purpose, the people they bring together, the fun that's enjoyed and the new family that is celebrated. But I also love them for this other reason. The details. For those of you who don't hang out with me enough I love details. All the details of a wedding just make my heart happy. The lists that you get to make. Details are seen in EVERY part of a wedding. From choosing the dress to picking the venue to finding a good DJ. There are all types of different details that come together to make a beautiful event that touches peoples hearts.

These are the reasons that I LOVE WEDDINGS!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My 21st B-day Wish List

Ok Ya'll. I'm sure by now you know I'm almost 21. In 20 Days to be exact. I have decided to make a list for my birthday in case you feel the desire to contribute to making my birthday dreams come true! I will give reason to why each item was chosen and what I will use it for.

#1: Flip Ultra HD32120
Here's the link to the item at Walmart.

I have chosen this item because I am going to be working at a camp this summer and I would love to take some videos for you all to see! I mean don't you just want to know every about my life? HAHA.

#2: Canon Rebel
Price: Well It's about $500(The link was too long to post.)

I love to capture moments and photos is another great way to do that! They are a great way to relive memories! I work with students and it's so cool to look at pictures over the years of them and see how much they grow and change. Pictures Capture those moments.

#3: Target Cards:
Price: Anything you want.

I'm a college student. Need I say more?

OK so these are 3 pretty big things. I know they are crazy expensive and I don't expect anyone to get them for me. But for those of you who would like to give to one of these future purchases and make my 21st my best birthday thus far...I would not mind at ALL. Every little bit counts.

So the list thus far is out! I'm mainly making this list for my family but I will accept donations from all. Let's be real. I'm a college student. We take whatever we can get.

I mean. Yea. Welcome to my world!
Can you dig it?
See what a GOOD camera can do?
Help me Capture My Memories to save FOREVER!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Too cute NOT to Post!
Big Sister Bottle Cap Hair Bow and Headband


I am who I am. Take it or leave it.

So when you are a kid you want to be something like a firefighter or a nurse. Then from there you take the needed steps to get to that job. Or others figure it out in college. I'm defs NOT one of those people. If you don't already know this about me people say I'm a little scatter brained, a control freak and a people pleaser. My response to that is everything is clear in my head I just don't know how to explain it to you, my way is probs the best way and I just want everyone to me happy. Now that response is something I have been working at this last year. Not that answer but how to take people's critiques and not just give a mouthy response back but to really think about what they say and look to Christ for how HE wants me to live my life. I mean if you think about it God put people in my life for a reason so I must think about what they say and then look to Christ for the answers.
For those of you who don't know I'm turning 21 in 22 DAYS!! June 25 is my birthday!! Now I tell you this because for some people when they come to the great age of 21 the sort of know what they want to do with there life. That's not my problem. There are just SO MANY things I want to do! Through my time in life and my walk with Christ I know that what he wants from me right now is to live everyday glorifying him in EVERYTHING I do! It doesn't matter if it's working with my junior highers or going to cosmetology school or even moving out of the country! My goal is to live my life following after Christ and his example. Simple and Plan. I fully appreciate people who give there input into my life but at the end of the day I need to come before my heavenly father and for HIS approval, NOT the approval of man.

It's a weird concept and a hard lesson to learn for a people pleaser but it is a good one!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

Colossians 3:23-24

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. John Krake!

Eeekkk!! My brother got hitched! Can you believe it? It was hard for me to at first adapt to another girl in my brothers life. So when this 'other girl' came into his life as more than just a friend I had to assess the situation. I wasn't so sure how I felt about this girl taking all my brothers attention. This 'other girl' was Tamara and I have known her for about 10 years but I had only seen her as a friend of my brothers, not a girlfriend. When I first got the call that my brother was going to ask her to be his girlfriend I knew something was up. I knew this was serious. I started to critique this girl and came to the conclusion that she was PERFECT for my brother. I'm so excited that she is now 'legally' part of the family!
My brother has been more than words can describe to me. He has been a brother, protector, fellow trouble maker, fun maker, life of the party and someone whom I've always wanted to be like. Like I said I don't think words can't fully describe how much he means to me and how much I love him!
I love these two a whole lot!
Introducing Mr.&Mrs. John Krake