Valentine's day has been known as many different things. I have heard Single's awareness day, a Hallmark holiday and for Starbucks it was the perfect holiday to come out with a new cup to promote there "Love Project" which is raising money to but medicine for people living with HIV in Africa.
For single's it is just another day that they have to realize that they don't have that special someone. For couples it's another day to celebrate there relationship. I am a single and I think that today is another day to just tell people you love them. It doesn't have to be this dramatic thing about bringing light that we don't have a significant other. Just embrace those around you and let them know you love them.
A couple I know told me they don't believe in Valentines day. They think it is a Hallmark Holiday where they scam to make more money off us so that we can buy our significant other something special. Why should we just celebrate our love on just one day? This makes sense but I do think that this is just another fun day to do something extra special to remember that love you share.
And as for Starbucks...They made another cup! They brought a cup out for Valentines day! The cups mean something. They mean good things are happening just like when they come out for the Christmas season. They make things happen! Not only to they represent that but these Valentines day cups are saving money to send medicine to Africa for those who have HIV. The cups really do make things happen!
All in all Valetine's Day is not a time to be depressed and lonely but a time to remember that we are to love one another just as Christ has loved us!
Let's Share the love people!
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