-Not finishing college
-Not having a job to support myself after college
-Not falling in love and getting married
-Not being accepted
-My past will negatively effect my future
-Not having good close friends
-Not leaving a meaningful mark on the world
These are just some big ones for me right now and after I started to think about it, fear is at the root of a lot of things I do and say. My challenge to myself now is to really look fear in the eye with the realization that I belong to a God who can face the fear with me and His plan for my life can conquer any of my fears.
i really like what you wrote here. There are a lot of things i fear as well. My prayer is always that i need God to do it for me cause i cant do it on my own. Whatever the 'It' may be at the time. And believe me there are a lot of 'Its' in my life..haha.