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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

About TIME.

I know it had been what seems like forEVER since I have blogged about anything and for that I'm sorry. But when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. You don't write about how you can make lemonade so that my friends is my excuse.

Today I'm not writing an update on my life, [But one will be coming VERY SOON] but I am writing to share a verse that I read this morning that is a Psalm that David wrote and I long to have his heart in this.

The LORD is my Strength and my Shield; My HEART trusts in HIM, and I am Helped. 
My heart LEAPS for Joy and I will give thanks to him in song. 
Psalm 28: 7

I'm beyond thankful that I serve a God to is FOR ME and wants to be my STRENGTH. He wants to shield me. 

Today I've been praying about my future and what God wants to do with it because I learned long ago that HIS plan is ALWAYS better than mine. And this morning it hit me that even though I know that God has my back and has a plan, does my heart trust that every day? I find my self praying for the future a lot but why am I not praying for the moment right now. And finding JOY in that. I've always been a planner and I tend to dream BIG and Dream FAR ahead but I'm learning now about PRAYing and PRAISing the LORD for the moments today, as well as the future but I don't want to forget about today!

As my Dad often reminds my, "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each Day has enough trouble of its own."[Matthew 6:34] 

Today my HEART trusts in the Lord and his plan and I am SO THANKFUL. 

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