Blog Backgroud

I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Little Victories.

In the past month or two, finding time to update the blog has been far and few in between. My life is going CRAZY! But I love it. This is how I always pictured my time going. Busy doing things that I love. Now I'm not saying it hasn't been a hard, tiring couple of months but God has TOTALLY blessed it. He's given me the strength to make it through and he continues to show he faithfulness everyday not always in the big ways that I hope but in the little victories that he shoots my way. It's funny how He has the power to change your perspective when you are willing to SURRENDER it to him. This season of my life has most definitely been a year of surrendering my plans and seeing what God does with it.
Today has been one of my "little victories", my first FULL day off since Thanksgiving,[besides Christmas]. Off from school and work. I was able to do ANYTHING with my day. I slept in till 10[12 hours of sleep might I add], then had lunch with a friend, went to the gym and now am being artsy. When you have all the time in the world you don't appreciate it. I can say that now that finding time to do things like sleep in or work on my art projects does not come often enough. So we those times do come I make the most of them. It's the little victories that makes the days go by!
Today I'm celebrating the little victories.

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