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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day of Love.

Today is the Day of Love I have been told. What I find is funny is shouldn't we love one another every day? I am fully supportive of having a day to specially to say I love you and not only to your specific other but also to those in your life who you love. It's cool to single out one day but we should always remember that we should love each other every day!
Our common misconseption about Valentine's is that it is just for couples. This morning on my way to school I was listening to KLOVE and a caller was talking about how she has her kids make cards and they make goodies the day before valentines day. On Valentines day they go out and give them to there loved ones. She said they go to her mothers house and her sisters so the cousins could exchange cards and goodies. What a great idea! Showing her kids that Valentine's day isn't just for mommy and daddy but for everyone.
I also thought where did it all come from. I remember heard a guy when I was in high school say he refused to buy a card for his girlfriend because he said that Valentine's day is just a day the greeting card companies created to get more money from people. Is it really? I have two thought's on that. First being from a business point of view that's genius. Flower and card companies are raking in bank today. Good for them. My second thought was is that really true, so I did some research.
Here is a cool little article on Saint Valentine. I did some research and this was the one that had most of the ideas that I had seen online. "They say"(Internet People) that we have a very murky view of the holiday but this is what they know. It's kind of cool to read and know!

All this being said. I hope you tell someone in your life you love them. That's what I think this day is to remind us of. Sometimes in the business of our lives we forget to let those we love know that we love them. Even though Americans spend a lot of money on Valentine's Day it still is a good reminder.

Go and tell people you love them!

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