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I believe in SOMEONE who is making SOMETHING out of ME!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Study Song of the Week. Week 1.

I have decided to start having a song of the week.
My plan it to define it as well.
For example this weeks song it "Lose Yourself" by Eminem play by the Vitamin String Quartet.
I'm currently using this song to encourage me while I'm studying.
It's funny how music without words does more for you then music with words. Sometimes you just need to music.
Music is beautiful. No Words Needed. Especially when you are studying!
Other songs of the week may be driving song of the week, dance song of the week, feel good song of the week and so on.
You guys get the picture.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Regret. We often hear people talk about there regrets. Or at least for the people around me going into 2010 the slogan was "No Regrets." Implying that this year we won't make or have any regrets. I use the word meaning wishing that whatever that regret is, well that I didn't do it. In thinking about the word I decided to look it up.

–verb (used with object)
to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment,etc.): He no sooner spoke than he regretted it.
to think of with a sense of loss: to regret one's vanishedyouth.
a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc.
a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss,disappointment, etc.
regrets, a polite, usually formal refusal of an invitation: Isent her my regrets.
a note expressing regret at one's inability to accept aninvitation: I have had four acceptances and one regret.

From this the overall definition is to feel bad about something or someone. I thought about my life and my regrets. As I was thinking I realized that I don't have any regrets. I say this not because I'm perfect or because I have never had anything bad happen. Believe me when I say I have had my fair share of pains and I'm sure God has much more for me as well. I say this because I don't regret anything because if those "bad" things hadn't happened in my life I wouldn't have learned from them.
I also think and know that God planned everything and knows what is going to happen. I sometimes think if I say I regret something that that is saying that God did something wrong, which is incorrect because he is perfect. I think I'm going to see the 2010 slogan "No Regrets" and use it as a reminder that I should have no regrets because God had a plan for all the events in my life. He is going to use my story to further his Kingdom. Now how sick is that?

Remember Peeps.
No Regrets. Forever. God is Perfect.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day of Love.

Today is the Day of Love I have been told. What I find is funny is shouldn't we love one another every day? I am fully supportive of having a day to specially to say I love you and not only to your specific other but also to those in your life who you love. It's cool to single out one day but we should always remember that we should love each other every day!
Our common misconseption about Valentine's is that it is just for couples. This morning on my way to school I was listening to KLOVE and a caller was talking about how she has her kids make cards and they make goodies the day before valentines day. On Valentines day they go out and give them to there loved ones. She said they go to her mothers house and her sisters so the cousins could exchange cards and goodies. What a great idea! Showing her kids that Valentine's day isn't just for mommy and daddy but for everyone.
I also thought where did it all come from. I remember heard a guy when I was in high school say he refused to buy a card for his girlfriend because he said that Valentine's day is just a day the greeting card companies created to get more money from people. Is it really? I have two thought's on that. First being from a business point of view that's genius. Flower and card companies are raking in bank today. Good for them. My second thought was is that really true, so I did some research.
Here is a cool little article on Saint Valentine. I did some research and this was the one that had most of the ideas that I had seen online. "They say"(Internet People) that we have a very murky view of the holiday but this is what they know. It's kind of cool to read and know!

All this being said. I hope you tell someone in your life you love them. That's what I think this day is to remind us of. Sometimes in the business of our lives we forget to let those we love know that we love them. Even though Americans spend a lot of money on Valentine's Day it still is a good reminder.

Go and tell people you love them!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mischief 2011. It's about to be EPIC.

So for those of you who don't know already but I'm a junior high intern at a church in long beach, california. i have been so fortunate to get this experience and to really learn a lot about doing youth ministry.

Here's a little teaser from our upcoming event!

Don't worry I'll keep posting more craziness as the event approaches...It's gonna be EPIC.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reflection. Winter Camp 2011. Forest Home.

This past weekend I had my first experience at Forest Home Winter Camp. What an experience. I went with my junior highers and it was a weekend to remember.

After a weekend of adventures and such I have to say my favorite part of the whole experience was just hanging out with my junior highers. The time when we could just mess around and go fishing, (Yea I know. I couldn't picture it either) or get Diet Cokes(WIN). I loved just being able to hang with my students. It's what I love about students.

They are crazy and it doesn't matter who you are. They just want you to be there. They just want you to listen.

It was cool to see what comes up when they are in a place they don't know and around people they normally wouldn't be around. It was fun watching them adapt to the surroundings and people.
Katie and I drinking our sodas.
Diet Coke at the end of a huge hike was so good!

Kelsey, Amy, Amanda and I hanging out
in the den!
Crazy 8th Grade girls. Gotta Love Em!
(L to R. Monica, Me, Tory and Bianca)
Natalie, Me and Paris doing what we do best.
Being Crazy!
Me and Nichole. Loves her Bunches!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I wanna be in the background.
Simple and Plain.
Let's be real, I was never a star.
It's not who I am.
I was meant to be in the background.
I want to be in the background.
But only if I'm in the background and Christ is the star.
That's who I would be in the background for.
It's not about me.
It's about him.
Always has been.
Always will be.
It's about showing his light.
I wanna be one of the stage lights that makes him look bright.
It's not about me.
It's about him.
I wanna be in the background.
To shine Jesus Christ's light!

Check this song out guys.
Lecrae write a beautiful song about this.