Back to the point...What a Day! Today I had a lot to accomplish and looking back I think I did pretty well. In September of 2010 I unfortunately was speeding down Biola Avenue to meet a friend and got the unfortunate encounter for a Downey Police officer after excelling Gina(my car) a little too fast. Two things on this. First one being I was on Biola avenue, the part where NO ONE is ever at and I knew this and that was why I didn't think anything of it. Also what the heck is the Downey Police doing in La Mirada. I sort of wanted to let the La Mirada police know that Downy was gettin' all up in there territory but why would I ever want to take anymore time on this situation. Bringing this all back to my point about today was that today I, Cheryl Kay Krake, had my first court date/session thingy. I spent most of my morning and afternoon dealing with this matter. After waiting an hour and a half I got into the court room. When the judge appeared I was surprised that she look like someone out of a magazine or on Top Model. For a moment I thought something was going to happen like on the GIECO commercials. Unfortunately she was a real judge but I guess I should say fortunately she was the real judge cause she was really nice. She let me have community service and I didn't have to pay much. I was really glad when we were done. I hate it when I have to pay random tickets or service charges because I don't see where that money is going. I don't see the end product. With community service I'm going to help someone or something do become something better than before. I know what I am going to be doing is helping and I can actually see where. After it was all said and done I now have 66 hours of community service and a small fine. Not too bad I should say!
After I paid my time at the Downey Municipal Courthouse I made my way to Shelby's to get my new radio(My Christmas present from Papa and Mama Krake) for Gina. I had become very good at waiting and I wanted to just get my radio put in so that meant that I had to wait. I ended up waiting for 2 hours. Now looking at my day that is about 6 and a half hours of waiting. Fortunately in my case I love to people watch and that is exactly what I did. Who wants to read a book when you can create your own adventure in the people right in front of you! It was sure fun.
At the end of the day i got to pick up my girl, Julia and drive her back to Biola and hang out with some of the girls there. It's always fun going back to a place that in just such a short period of time gave me so many memories. I love to look back at my life as well as be even more excited about my future.
So in the end I can now say, What a day!
I hope you have been blessed today!
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