I am sorry that it has been a long time since I have posted anything because I have been crazy busy. Since my last post I have registered for my new school, Golden West Community college. I've gone to camp at Hume Lake Christian camps with my junior highers. I have gone home to celebrate my brothers engagement to Tamara. And I have been looking for a new place to live. My life is getting crazy.
I'm going to Golden West Community College because I could not afford going to Biola for another year. I'm looking at this as more of a blessing and challenge then as a sad situation. It's funny that I'm really okay with not going to Biola right now. I was talking to one of my friends and she thought it was a little funny because out of everyone she knew I had said since my brother went to Biola like 10 years ago that I was going there too. I'm not going to say that I am always going to be happy with my situation but one thing I do know is that God has me where I am for a reason. I know that because I'm not all that sad about not going to Biola. I mean I'm going to have my moments like when I pick up one of my best friends from the airport tomorrow and take her to Biola but I know God has a different plan for me. I remember talking to one of my best friends and mentor, Sheri and she had said that my outgoing personality should be used in a public school. Not that Biola doesn't have problems or people who don't believe but that a public school will let me share and love my peers who don't know about Christ. Who look at Christians as freaks. I want the people who I meet to come to know my friend Jesus. The one who came to set them free. As I'm writing this I find myself starting to tear up and I can't seem to know why? Maybe it is because I'm better understanding who Jesus is and the real gift he paid. When I think about it all I can do it cry. That's the only thing. So basically the conclusion to my story of my school situation is that my last year at Biola was amazing and I plan for my next years at Golden West to be just as great and challenging and my hope, my longing is that God will stretch me even more than I can imagine.
Hume Lake as it usually does stretched and molded me in ways that I wasn't expecting. Going into the week I was nervous about going home just because I didn't know what to expect. A lot of things had changed since I'd been home and I knew that I was going to be having some conversations about what was coming in the future and when you don't know those answers those conversations just get eve harder. I hate planning for the unknown. To top that off the first night or two I just didn't feel connected with my cabin. My mind was other places and my emotions were everywhere. Seeing old friends, meeting new ones and remembering memories take a toll on me. By the end of the week thanks to a great supportive staff and great kids I learned so much about myself, and my students and about God. I'm unplugging myself from the world and plugging into God. He should be my only source of energy. The week encouraged me for the future at Bethany and the relationships I will make!
*This is my cabin of girls!! The bestest cabin a girl could have!*
If you haven't heard my brother is GETTING MARRIED. I know right? I used to think that I was going to get married before he did but he found himself a special lady. Tamara is going to LEGALLY going to be a Krake! All I can say is it is about time. That girl has practically been in our family for dayzzz!! Congrats to them! May 28, 2010 is the BIG DAY!!

These last weeks have been really good weeks and really hard weeks as well. God has shown me so much of who he is and about who he wants me to be. My life is full of unknowns and I'm full of trust that God is my provision and he will take care of me. That's my life right now! Keep posted.